if you search candle it comes up with mutant graveyard, and a jack-o-lantern has a candle in it. Anyways, I have the avatar and trophy also so it doesn't matter too much
I have the trophy and av too, but I really would love to upgrade to gold someday. lol
there is a candle in MGoC2--how else do you keep time?
You can actually see the candle in the picture associated with game #230, so that's the number I went with too.
I play graveyard all the time the life counter in the game is a candle.
if that's the case a candle is also the timer in the game, then it probably is MG. I never play that game. Oh well....
I think the answer is 1042. It's all related to games.If You search the web for polarchuck and the 425 it comes up with snowmuncher over and over and the sock puppet is the splat a sloth game..candle is graveyard of doom or whatever it's called. the number is the last part of the addresses for them all.
It`s 1042
HEllo, Oh cool... umm... I entered in the game code for mutant. Also, I searched sock for the game and came up with splat a sloth..
i've probably got this one wrong then

I went with web of vernax cos it has a Spyder that looks like the spyder part of the candle.
So submitted that game id.
I think the game ID has to be the way to go on this one, but I'm still not feeling very confident about which game.
My first thought was to do a search of the terms in the game search, so Polarcheck gave me Snowmuncher and Hot Dog gave me Hot Dog Hero. So far so good. Unfortunately, Sock Puppet returns nothing, although Sock gave me Splat-a-Sloth. But then using just Hot instead of Hot Dog gave me 10 games instead of just one.
Given that the search seems to have failed, I would tend to agree with the idea that we need to use the pictures. Snowmuncher, Hot Dog Hero and Splat-a-Sloth all have the appropriate pictures. Then we come to the Candle. I see two possibilities. The first is Mutant Graveyard of Doom II, which is what you get when you do a game search for Candle. This picture has a Jack-O-Lantern giving light and we could probably assume there is a candle inside. The other possibility is The Castle of Eliv Thade, where one can see a candle inside the lantern being carried.
The candle is visible in Eliv Thade, but only implied in Mutant Graveyard. They are both associated with the Haunted Woods, which corresponds to the Halloween theme of this week's prize. Eliv Thade has a picture of a three-candle display in its screen shots, while Mutant Graveyard has candle in the description and candles for trophies. Neither one seems to have much to do with orange spyders.
I think my final decision is going to be to go with the matching trophy. The other three items appear in the trophy for the corresponding games, so I'm guessing that the trophy, even more than the picture, is the match point.
Hi, just letting you know its should be Mutant Graveyard of Doom's ID because of the TROPHY

The trophy for Snowmucher is a Polarchuck, the trophy for Splat a Sloth is a Sock Puppet, the trophy for Hot Dog Heroes is a Hot Dog and the trophy for Mutant Graveyard is a Candle
maybe i'm drunk or whatever, but it says a SHOP. am i retarded, or are you guys?
limepie wrote:maybe i'm drunk or whatever, but it says a SHOP. am i retarded, or are you guys?
The shop is just a convenience for assigning neopoint values to the various items. The puzzle is to find the pattern of the neopoint values and then determine the value of a candle in that shop. You can think of it as some user's shop, where the user is using some strange method to determine how to price the items. We don't actually have to identify the shop.
It has to be the graveyard, when you open the game, you see a candle
so it's a 4 digit answer
grtz Jip
I got it right... yay! But on the Lenny Conundrum page, it says the answer was tune. It's probably a typo.
WOW, and Hot Dog Hero's id is 965 and Splat-a-sloth's id is 81!!! OMG!!!
@cookie star alisha,
cookie star alisha wrote:Where can you find the trophies?
On the high score list for the particular game.