@Jen Aside,
Quote:Also, the "reduced bank interest" shorts me out of a bunch of NP!
They didn't actually reduce the bank interest, you know. They showed a lesser rate and amount to be received, but when you clicked to collect the interest, you should have received the correct amount. At least, I did.
Letters to use:
Alas.. I am still so new to Neopets, I don't know the answer to any of the questions..
If someone does, please tell, so that we can decode togehther? X_X
I have 2 answers different from yours... to the first and third questions.
I got a different answer for the third question. I could be wrong though; I hate Freaky Factory. Either way, I have no clue what the word/phrase is supposed to be. I suck at unscrambling things.
I also may be wrong about the first one.

I wasn't sure for that one.
i got those same answers.
i found them out by searching the exact question on google.
now to decode. @_@
I got C, J, M, R. After that I don't know.
ahh i read the question wrong lol you need 18 bllobs
For the first one, I searched the explore maps to make sure. For the third one, Freaky Factory is one of my favorite games so I think I'm correct.
hfjai wrote:They didn't actually reduce the bank interest, you know. They showed a lesser rate and amount to be received, but when you clicked to collect the interest, you should have received the correct amount. At least, I did.
Must be a glitch, 'cause it's still showing it, even after the new news and changing interest levels >_<
I thought the answer to #1 was kiko lake....
If you read the descriptions, it talks about seaweed gardens.
(C): B,C,J,L,R,S,R
(J): M,N,R,A,B,D,Z
(M): A,C,T,M,A,E,H,L
(R): H,E,R,A,B,A,O,U
so it's M for the Freaky Factory one?
you need 6 blobs per kettle for 3 plushies and since it's rainbow you need all three kettles to have 6 each 6*3= 18 = M
I agree with the CJMR! (I am new to this forum.)
No idea how to decode it though. :'(
decoding is giong to be a paint @_@
I agree!! I am horrible with the math LCs, so this is the kind I look for every week. I have not gotten in the top 250 yet, but maybe if I can figure this decoding out. :-D
unscrambling this massive thing is going to be annoying...
I agree with C, J, M, R tho