its asking for the colour of her cloud...so its purple! yay!! thanks
That is not the answer. Some people can be so very mean! If you follow the guidance that was listed in the posts, you will figure it out.
I think the answer is green!!
allycatsmom0918 wrote:
That is not the answer. Some people can be so very mean! If you follow the guidance that was listed in the posts, you will figure it out.
Luckily, everyone who was impatient and whining about not being handed the answer on a silver platter is already too late to get much of anything for their trouble.
More NP for getting the answer right is nice, but it's hardly the end of the world if it's 10,000 or 10.
I think I figured it out thank you all for the hints.
I think I figured it out and submitted my answer.
I have been doing the Lenny Conundrum for over a year and I finally got a trophy [it may be a 3rd place trophy but, it is a trophy].
As for last weeks answer, I got the following neomail -
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 296). You have won 758 NP!
Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a Kau Kau Farms Background, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!
Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!
I got up to the T , after that nothing makes sense i went over all your posts and still dont get it
can someone help ? its not like i didnt try i got everything else on my own none of the last part even makes a word & if its as simple as xxxxx could someone tell me if im correct?
tiickled wrote:I got up to the T , after that nothing makes sense i went over all your posts and still dont get it
can someone help ? its not like i didnt try i got everything else on my own none of the last part even makes a word & if its as simple as xxxxx could someone tell me if im correct?
If you got up to the T, you should have 6 numbers left. Those 6 numbers continue the pattern to form one more word. The word has a British instead of an American spelling, but if you write it out, it should be pretty obvious what the word is, even if you aren't familiar with that spelling. (Take away the last vowel to get the American spelling.)
Answer: GREEN
I messed up somehow... without spaces, i got, jhudorahaslipsjdltothfpi wow
thanks!! but that is just getting less np!
HEY!!! If you read the editorial, you will know that that is scamming... I hope yepyeppers isn't your username... You'll be in real trouble
yepyeppers wrote:
its asking for the colour of her cloud...so its purple! yay!! thanks
ugh...i should have tried figuring it out before i went for coffee...doubt i'll make top 250 this week either
uhmm I really did think it was purple.. >.> Thanks -.-
uh huh.... sure.... *rolls eyes*

>: (
yepyeppers wrote:
its asking for the colour of her cloud...so its purple! yay!! thanks
also it is asking for lipstick color.... where did you get color of cloud?? D:
I messed up on my rotation thing.. So yeah.. I got it wrong anyways.. stop harassing me D:
1. its not considered scamming.
2. Giving answers is against the rules as it is.. so ALL of us would be in trouble.. BUT this isn't Neopets now is it? Good try though
Colour of her lips is said to be green? Her cloud is definitely green, but if you have a look at the page where the Jhudora's quests are given, you'll see her wearing purple lipstick! Of course, there is a contradiction in the Neopedia displaying her wearing green lipstick.
- PeckyP -