@Jen Aside,
A Chomby was walking down a path one day when Jhudora appeared in front of it. "Solve this puzzle, and you may pass," she said.
Add up all of the previous Lenny Conundrum answers where the answer could be expressed as a number. If the answer was more than one number, pick the lower of the two answers. Take the square root of that sum, round to the nearest integer, and replace the digits as follows:
1 : G
2 : A if preceded by an odd digit, P if preceded by an even digit
3 : H if preceded by an odd digit, R if preceded by an even digit
4 : T if preceded by an odd digit, Y if preceded by an even digit
5 : O if preceded by an odd digit, E if preceded by an even digit.
6 : N
7 : D
8 : U if preceded by an odd digit, I if preceded by an even digit.
9 : S if preceded by an odd digit, W if preceded by an even digit.
0 : L if preceded by an odd digit, M if preceded by an even digit.
Then, unscramble these letters to find a Neopian word. What is the word? Please only submit a single word, with no other information or punctuation, or your answer may be disqualified.