Im 100% sure its impossible, I just want to know how to word it in my answer, help please
yes i just worked out its impossible as well
as in the second row at the top
clue 21, 6 cells
the only possible solution is 1,2,3,4,5,6
but at the top 5 coloumns accros
clue 17, 2 cells
the only possible solution is 8,9
neither of wich can go into 21, 6 cells
without repeating a number
its only my second conundrum so
im just gonna write
Dende wrote:bullzeye150 wrote:it wont be zero.... they said only digits 1 to 9 are used.... so there are no zeros to multiply
i was reading the backposts
there could be a zero
2 x 5 = 10
Didnt mean to totally confuse anyone Dende...
all I meant by no zeros to multiply, was that there would not be any zeros entered into a square... therefore ... you would not be multiplying by zero
and for the rest of you, I did not say my answer was right... it was just a theory
ok, theres 2 solutions o_0
we can either
a) type impossible
b) wait for them to fix it, since its only one number that is wrong, the 21 and 34 is the only one to make it right the answer would be :
3x3x9x5x3x2x6x7x4x3x5x5x4x3x8x1x2x9 =
Viperine17 wrote:ok, theres 2 solutions o_0
we can either
a) type impossible
b) wait for them to fix it, since its only one number that is wrong, the 21 and 34 is the only one to make it right the answer would be :
3x3x9x5x3x2x6x7x4x3x5x5x4x3x8x1x2x9 =
where is the 21 and the 34?
i think i found something else wrong
the 21 and the 17
in the top left area
where is the 21 and the 34?
i think i found something else wrong
the 21 and the 17
in the top left area
sorry, I worded that wrong, the 21 in the top left with the 6 squares horizontally. That needs to be replaced by a 34
oh ok i see
but its too late for me
i submitted my answer already
i said
No Solution
When tnt has fixed it before, when do they normally do so?
they have taken up to a couple of days... and unfortunately, if you have answered already, you do not have the option of changing your answer.
oh no:(
will i get it right for saying they are wrong?
oh well there is always nxt week
or the week after
i want the avatar
ok, I will wait

if after 2 days nothing has changed I will send impossible, is that what everyone else is doing?
I sent my multi-million answer, what kind of a person would I be if I did not believe in my own theories ... LOL
but , Unsolvable seems like a good response also
well i already sent
but if you know what that figure is ment to be
then work it out and submit that answer
hmm, Im tempted to send impossible
Nite all.... good luck... CU next week
ok, I sent in impossible *crosses fingers*
Even with flaws we can still solve it. Check it out.
Dear Harry,
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 269). You have won 1303 NP!
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Dear Miller,
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Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a Babaa Lamp, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!
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... so what was the answer? lol