there are a bunch of grundos in the
center in the cirlce
the other grundos are gathered around the cook in the center
My boyfriend and I both get 36 for Sahkemet... we both have counted 4 times the same number.
ok got the 17 grundos i was blind
I counted 17 grundos not 3
Sakhmet 35
krawk 10
wings 6
grundo 17
patatoes 13
eggs 5
trees 53
52 flags
i may have to re-count
i got 35 in sakhmet and 52 in lost desert.
am i wrong?
at sakhet its hard to see what is pet and petpet. i also counted the camels
i only see 4 bat wings (2 bats)
there are two bat wings that make up the gate
okay i see it now.
still working on sakmet though
ok went back and did recount on mine and i do match no camels this time.
pets 36
trees 53
flags 18
eggs 5
potatos 13
grundos 17
bat wings 6
boats 10
6 bat wings - 2 bats & 1 bat on gate
18 flags
I got the same numbers pooh, I think I'm ready to submit.