Does that mean I get to ask a question?
If so, I had a dog once........he was named after a magazine?
HEHE, nope.......
He was a long legged hunting dog.
I gotta go, so I'll just give both of ya a cookie!! LOL
And his name WUZZZ..............COSMO!
BTW......I could take offense to that BPB......LMAO
You callin Moi a dog? LOL :wink:
Don't think I've ever seen camouflage in Cosmo.
Bear should take a turn, but since he won't post it, I will.
What's my super secret name for Bear in the throws of passion?
No offense taken BPB.......
Squinney....that might be a tuff nutt to :wink:
Big Daddy
Love Doctor
Nuts o' Passion
what ever happened to guessing names.... I know this is an old friend, but now I want to know the answer