Mon 27 Dec, 2004 02:29 am
Just got back from Rochester, New York, USA. Christmas with the Kicky clan.
Two pretty nightmarish flights sandwiched one of the best Christmas trips I've had in a long time. What was a good time! I got to hang out with one of my best friends in the world that I haven't seen since last Christmas, the ogre that my brother calls a wife seemed much less able to get under my skin than in the past, I had a blast playing with my niece and nephew, and I actually spoke Italian with my grandmother, which made her very happy, which, in turn, made me very happy. That was probably the best part for me. And Santa was also pretty good to me!
So how 'bout you? Good times had by all, I hope!
Okay, gotta get some sleep right now or I am going to be a zombie at work tomorrow.
Later, kids
Kicky, so glad you had a good Xmas........look forward to flirting with you like mad in 2005.......get the python ready!
Gald you had an adequate Xmas, kicky. I shall inform my elves.
I missed Christmas, kicky. Got drunk and before I knew it, the day had come and gone.
I have vague memories of savaging a reindeer somewhere along the line.
Glad you had a nice Christmas with your family kicky
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I missed Christmas, kicky. Got drunk and before I knew it, the day had come and gone.
I have vague memories of savaging a reindeer somewhere along the line.
I was wondering what happened to Rudolph
Yep, I really lit up that bitch's nose.
Good Lord! I am starting to talk like Slappy and Bipolarbear.
Those two are leading me down the road to perdition.
Glad your back. My xmas eve was nice with the exception of two converstions. My aunt described an operation she had "bladder suspension" eeeeeew, I was EATING!
Isn't there a law against giving operation details in a group setting? Well there should be!
And the other conversation bomb came from my X husband, he casually insulted me, in front of 6 people, for NO reason, he just felt like being an a-hole and I was the target.
Other than those two thing's I had a wonderful holiday :-)
paulaj wrote:
And the other conversation bomb came from my X husband, he casually insulted me, in front of 6 people, for NO reason, he just felt like being an a-hole and I was the target.
You should've poked him in the eyes. Trust me, it works.
Kicky... I'm glad you had a good time.
Now, the good thing about Christmas being over is that New Year's Eve is right there, just waiting...
better yet you should have started a discussion about his premature ejaculation problem....
I'm glad Kicky - I know family stuff has been hard.
Mine was fine - NOW I''m flat....
I find it hard to believe that a bunny with eight nipples could be called flat by any definition....
My affect is flat - my person remains convex as ever.
Im glad to hear you had a really great time kicky!
Kicky, when you were talking to your grandmother in Italian, were you two moving your hands around alot, occasionally slapping each other in the face?
I've always wondered if real Italians did that, even when they weren't making movies.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Kicky, when you were talking to your grandmother in Italian, were you two moving your hands around alot, occasionally slapping each other in the face?
That sounds like a family someone named "Slappy" belongs in.
There was no slapping, but we were talking with our hands a lot, and insulting the rest of the family using italian curse words. Good times.
She has been absolutely miserable for a long time. Pretty much since 1994, when my grandfather died. This is the first time in years I've seen her so excited about anything, and actually laughing!
Damn, I'm a good grandson.
<walks in and reads the Kickers post>
Oooooooooooh come here ya big you.
<grabs Kicky by the cheeks and starts kissing and pinching him, just like an annoying aunt, "Who's my BABY!>