Another year over, and what have you done?

Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 07:01 pm
i continued to be a sentient carbon based life form

my needs are pretty simple
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 07:33 pm
Merry ,you are to be congratulated on your adherance to what must be a difficult decision.
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 08:13 pm
I must say, farmerman's accomplishments over the last year have made mine look pale in comparison.

I put a new flag on my mailbox and finally got rid of last year's Christmas tree.

I'm beginning to think that I'm a lazy bastard.
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 08:52 pm
naaah, you just suffer from poor PR, lets rewrite some of your copy

LAstt year, I initiated a new process to interface and enhance communication between the private sector and a federal agency .

I was involved in a lsmall scale demonstration project of tthe benefits of composting siingle species biomass.

now I am in the initial phase of a feasibility study that is planned to assess how varying degrees of initiative can manifest themselves in very small populattions.

I smell major NSF grant
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 09:23 pm
Hmm - I survived - just - a very weird year.

I had three jobs in one week.

I survived for 5 months in the bosom of the enemy.

I have managed to assist in the beginnings of greater understanding and shared vision beween child and adolescent mental health and the welfare folk - at least in my region.

I managed to trigger healing of a truly 'orrible and very destructive conflict in my usually pretty happy work team - which kept some very important pioneering work that was happening here going (with help!!!)

But - I am nearly nuts and very snappish from stress - so I join whoever it was in congratulating themselves for not killing their mother - I HAVEN'T KILLED ANYONE...........yet.
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 09:24 pm
farmerman wrote:
naaah, you just suffer from poor PR, lets rewrite some of your copy

LAstt year, I initiated a new process to interface and enhance communication between the private sector and a federal agency .

I was involved in a lsmall scale demonstration project of tthe benefits of composting siingle species biomass.

now I am in the initial phase of a feasibility study that is planned to assess how varying degrees of initiative can manifest themselves in very small populattions.

I smell major NSF grant

That's hilarious!
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 09:35 pm
I never accomplished anything except survived to see another year.
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 10:35 pm
Man, we need some copy editors fast.wheres Roberta, her talents are needed, ehbeth could handle tthe scoping and first drafts.
Im actually feeling better ,even though I am a maajor mechanical dipstick.
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 10:46 pm
Didn't strangle my business partner, nor she me.

Had four eye surgeries, came out seeing better, not at all right away, quite the opposite, which was completely scary and I posted about it, but did recover, just about a year later. Expect to repeat that hazzerai plus some more trouble on the other eye, in a year or two, but now I have a clue how to gird up for it, organize the thing. Since I live alone at large, and my occupations are visual, I am a wisp on the wind re vision.

Need to stop fooling around and write up my write-ups, for example, my data on, and comments about, piazzas, which just sort of sit there.

Okay, okay, next year.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 10:53 pm
I got used to the idea that I'm just not gonna live with my children (at least for the next 10 years). It's pretty awful, but we have to get on with our lives. I also went through Hell and emerged from the other end very much changed, but standing.

I have a long way to go still.

And I, also, didn't kill anyone. Tho not for the want of provocation.
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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 11:04 pm
Good, Stilly, and hugs.
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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:35 pm
Mr Stillwater wrote:
I got used to the idea that I'm just not gonna live with my children (at least for the next 10 years). It's pretty awful, but we have to get on with our lives. I also went through Hell and emerged from the other end very much changed, but standing.

I have a long way to go still.

And I, also, didn't kill anyone. Tho not for the want of provocation.

Dammit, that's a big one, Stilly - the getting used to the idea - good on you for getting on with it. This's gonna be a tough time, though???

Anything you wanna say about the changes????

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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:38 pm
smorgs wrote:
Last Xmas I was in hospital seriously ill.......recovered and then went back to work in August. Now all I have to show for the worst days of my life, are two small scars on my neck and chest (Hickman) and a joyous disposition. I really expected this 'second chance' feeling to dissipate, but it hasn't so far......I really am happy all the time.....it's a wonderful life.

Most proud of Ms S.......finally got his degree (1st Class with Honours) from Manchester University after studying for EIGHT years part time. We are getting married (finally) on 24/03/2005 (easter weekend) y'all welcome.

Goodness me! You report what a lot of folk who have the classic "NDE" - you know, with the dragging and the tunnel and the light and all that, report. But it seems you did it without all the blinkenlightzen.

I hope the feeling DOESN'T dissipate!

Yay re the degree and the marriage.
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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:46 pm
Celebrated 12 years married to RP and a total of 16 years knowing him. Every year gets better.

Had tons to do, very happy to be busy.

Welcomed a new nephew, in Italy (the nephew, not me), the kid has 6 syllables in his first name but he's very cute just the same.

Was extra proud of our older nephew, he wrote an article published on the front page of his school paper, he ran for Class Secretary and didn't make it (I demand a recount), he took up the trombone, he wrote some awesome letters and continues to be way cool.

Celebrated a new year of health for the family, in particular for someone who wasn't so healthy a year and a half ago.

Got better at cooking, tried to be patient and strove for happiness.

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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:52 pm
Merry Andrew wrote:
I didn't kill one single sonofabitch, many of whom richly deserved it. I am proud of my self-restraint.

Well done!!!! I hope to manage to do the same....

Vivien wrote:
I did my second teaching certificate and gave up the day job to concentrate on teaching part time and PAINTING. NO regrets Very Happy I'm so much happier

Wow!!!!! THAT'S something!!!!!!

Grand Duke wrote:
Not very exciting, but I have managed to halve my level of personal debt during 2004, and it makes me happy.

That sounds exciting to me - I think I managed to double mine.

Well done!!! Any tips??

Noddy24 wrote:
I've grown some more grey hair and accumulated some more wisdom and lost some weight and gained some perspective.

2005, here I come!

Well done! Any wisdom to share?

FreeDuck wrote:
Finally graduated from university. Got a new job. Didn't strangle my mother.

BIG year!!!

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
2004 was one of the shittiest years in recent memory for the Bear family and me personally, in my perspective...I can't speak for squinney.....but a shitty year with my beloved wife and cubs beats a wealthy life of luxury without them...therefore I am blessed and content...and the greatest source of that contentment lies next to me at night, soft, warm and familiar.....regardless of anything life throws my way, I am the luckiest of Bears.

Awwwww - best luck for 2005, Bear! Smoooooches.

urs53 wrote:
Met old friends and made new friends. Tried to help friends get through difficult times in their lives. Travelled. Worked and had fun working. Met interesting people and heard interesting stories.

Lost a very lovely, loveable person who passed away in summer.

Got a brand new niece in Sweden.

Enjoyed another year with BigDice.

A lot in there, Urs. Hope next year is full, but with less of the sadness...

Seed wrote:
What have i done this year? This year has gone by so fast that it is almost hard to remember the things that happened.

I have:
finished a tour for my country, which filled me with great pride. Even though it wasn't over seas.

I have:
Reconnected with friends who mean a lot to me.

I have:

Met someone who means great deal to me and hope the relationship continues.

I have:
Become closer to my father and mother.

I have:
Gotten closer to God, a thing that has been a long time coming.

I have:
Joined A2K, a place that has a bunch of swell people who are awfully nice and caring.

BIG year for you Seed - with some great things. Your joining A2k has been a great thing for us, too.

Merry Andrew wrote:
Farmerman wrote:

I didn not eat any fried twinkies in 2004

Good for you, Farmerman! I didn't either. And -- I almost forgot -- I did not run in the Boston Marathon this year. Nor last year, come to that, nor the year before. In fact, so far I've been very successful in avoiding the temptation to run in any marathon.

I can feel you weakening, though, MA!!!
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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:54 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
In this year I have :

Said goodbye to my father in law who died Feb-5. Learned about his family and his background. Things I would have never known. With that information, next year, i am going to pass on his life to my daughter. It is all I can do to teach her about him. They would have loved each other. He was a HUGE music fan. Had tons and tons of drums, noise makers, guitars etc... Him and my daughter would have had a blast making noise all day.
So, I will do that with her as he would have done.

I have :
Given birth to a beautiful person. Jillian. 3-5
She has taught me what it means to be selfless. She has given me a reason to better myself . She is the most powerful energy I have encountered. She is wonderful. And she is a part of me. She is my gift to my husband, and his gift to me. This will be a year I wont forget .

I have:
Had a stroke. And survived. I have 90% of my functions . I am lucky. I am healthy. And I am happy.

I have :
Moved in with my mother in law to help her with her grieving. I have become a friend to a woman who I would otherwise have never been this close to. I have offered my family and myself in hopes to help HER through her heart ache.

I have:
Re-strengthened my relationship with my aunt. Someone i never really took the time to know before, is now closer to me then ever before. She has alot of good life experience I have drawn on for strength, love, and a good laugh.

I have:
re connected with my bestfriend. Though we live 800miles apart, I love her dearly and talk to her daily. Maybe in the next year, we can travel to see each other again.

I have:
yet again... spent the year with the most wonderful person in the world.
My husband.

I have done alot this year.. and I will continue to do so in the coming years of my life.

I wish for everyone, that they are able to be happy, fullfilled and content with thier lives in the next year and those to come.
Blessed Be

Oh my!!! Nothing I can think of to say to that, except, wow....
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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:55 pm
farmerman wrote:
I rewired my boat to take on the mostr beautifulest Bose sound system ever. Its a sound system that will allow us to listen to symphonies while underway with the diesels on.
I then had to have some guys come in and rewire the whole thing cause I screwed it up badly. I learned the value of trades well executed.

Built a very nice corner cupboard and detailed it with a mustard paint that had one of my anttiques expertt friends give me a compliment on tthe minimal distressing.

I decided to sell my Cougars so that I can get over my mid life crisis and gently slide into geezerhood.

I learned how to run Rockworks, a very nifty program with neat charts and color contouring and aall kind of nifty presentation features that make it appear, visually, that I know what Im talking about.

I too exercised great restraint on some students who engaged in some very dangerous and childish behavior while on a field camp exercise. I merely recalled that I would have found their pranks exceedingly cool when I was their ages.

I heelped in the election to get out the vote for my presidential candidate. Unfortunately , in the overall tally, my candidate was less successful than his opponent.

I didn not eat any fried twinkies in 2004

Lol!!!!!! Full year!!! Enjoying the music????
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:56 pm
I found out what true love is.

Now, my bedroom contains 15 mirrors.
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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:58 pm
djjd62 wrote:
i continued to be a sentient carbon based life form

my needs are pretty simple

Well done, djjd62 - every year many of us CEASE to be sentient carbon based life forms, in one way or another.........!!!

gustavratzenhofer wrote:
I must say, farmerman's accomplishments over the last year have made mine look pale in comparison.

I put a new flag on my mailbox and finally got rid of last year's Christmas tree.

I'm beginning to think that I'm a lazy bastard.

Oh - you write too much to be LAZY, Gus!!!
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Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2004 05:59 pm
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
I found out what true love is.

Now, my bedroom contains 15 mirrors.

But you can only see this in 'em: http://www.topgoldenretrieversites.net/userpictures/Rudy%20Kazooti/I%20am%20NOT%20a%20reindeer.jpg
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