Thu 23 Dec, 2004 05:30 am
can anyone help me out with this riddle?
Using the numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8 only once can you make 25?
You can use all the operations but not squared
Got it! Here's the solution:
(2 / 8) + 4 * 6 = 25
Hands up, though, I kinda cheated. I used a MS Access database to calculate all the different combinations of numbers and operators possible (of which there were 1,536), then to calculate the answer (result) of each line. Then I sorted the answers into numerical order and found the line which gave 25. If anyone wants a more detailed explanation so they can use this technique for other riddles, then just let me know here or by PM. It took about 10 minutes to set up the necessary database tables & queries.
And welcome to A2K, debskeane. Stick around!
That makes 24 1/4, not 25.
Oh bugger.

You're right, Brandon. Many thanks to you and apologies to debskeane. Upon further investigation, it appears that Access had taken it upon itself to round everything down to the nearest integer, and I was in too much of a rush to notice. Sorry folks!
Are factorials allowed?
4! + 8/(6+2)
I like your answer very much, Idaho. I never thought of using factorials.
On re-re-checking my Access method, I discovered that my little database did actually get the right answer, but I read from the wrong line!
2 / 8 = 0.25
+ 6 = 6.25
x 4 = 25
So there are at least two methods, debskeane. Have you got any more number crunching riddles like these?
Since no mention of base is given, a base greater than 8 will give a solution.
E.g. 8x4 - 6/2 = 25 (base 12)
Sneaky, but clever, fresco! Another good answer.
ta for the help that has bugged me for weeks!!!