H.F.B.D., kris.
Keep the fun meter juuuust touching the red line.
One of the best presents ever - three generations in my family sitting down to watch a single movie together. My 5 year old niece liked it, my yuppy sister and b-in-l liked it, my bro liked it, my 60-something parents liked it and I loved it. That movie was School of Rock.
...............and I liked it.............and Mr S liked it..........and my snooty sister liked it.........and my gay brother liked it! :wink:
i don't know how i missed this
happy belated b'day from a fellow archer (42 on dec. 15)
Happy belated Littlek. Sorry I'm late!!!
Eek, I'm late too! Happy happy! :-D
Happy b-lated littlek,
I need to get out of the computer forum more often
Happy Holidays to you all
Thanks all! Now worries about being late, I don't care.
Happy holidays!
He is passed out drunk somewhere..
So what did ya do for your burf-day ?
Get anything neat?
well, my immediate family took me out to dinner a week or two ago for my bday so I wouldn't feel like my day was crammed in with xmas. Strange, that. And, then, starting sunday I had ecards, phone calls and emails with birthday wishes which were great! On my actual birthday, we had a quiet dinner here on the cape. I had to make my own because my mother made chicken stew (I don't eat chicken stew).
I got a lot of books on knitting, a knitting class, a book on plants, an opened bag of wasabi peas (haven't I already posted all this?), a print with my birth-sign, some crystalized ginger, a stylized jade pendant of a maori hook. I can't think of what else.....
Alot of people love you. :-)
I am envious.. Dinner ? on the beach?
how nice.
What is a Maori hook?
DID you post this?
Littlek, I am so pissed that I missed your birthday! I wish I could have been the one to jump out of your birthday cake, but whatcha gonna do. Maybe next year.
You make me smile. I think you are one of the sweetest, coolest people on A2K. I wish you all the best!
I want to give you a big birthday hug, but since I can't be there in person, could you just hug somebody and pretend it's me? And don't forget to have them whisper sweet nothings in your ear in italian.
Happy belated birthday, mia dolce tesora.
I'm so sorry I missed your birthday, k! I hope you had a great one. Here's a card for ya...(reminded me of certain A2Kers)
(that's how we say "pahty" up heeyuh...)