Tue 21 Dec, 2004 06:18 pm
IM SO CONFUSED, need help in a hurry, multimeter and magnet wire for a physics project, only problem is i have no idea how to use the multimter and im losing my mind cuz the instructions are no help
What are you trying to measure? And what brand/model of multimeter?
Sorry to tell you, elmo, but instrustions are written by the most least valuable person on the team.
One pointer I can give you: don't use the ohmeter function on a live circuit. If it's set to a low reading like ohms X 10, it takes very little current to destroy the meter. Also, your circuit or componets need to be isolated before using the ohmmeter.
You should not try to read 3 volts on the 2 volt range. Use the 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 or 20 volt range, which ever you have over 3 volts. When in doubt start high and work down. Same way with amps. Start with the 10 amp range if there is any chance the current is high. there are 1000 miliamps in one amp. Some meters will read less than one miliamp for small amounts of current. Neil