Hello. I am not a poet writer and eventually I end up using poetry generators to help me come up with ideas. But, I need help with writing 3 poems mostly about my life. But, if someone could at least guide me into it, that would be nice. Or give me some suggestions, or write a small poem about common events in everyone's life. Here are the exercises:
~~Grunt Poem: A grunt poem gives the reader a new perspective of an everyday event.
1. Describe a common event in your life (eating breakfast, doing homework, watching television, whatever); be very descriptive and include much detail.
2. Drop all the words that are not nouns or verbs or adjectives (but drop all articles); keep the order of the remaining words the same.
~~Essence of Music Poem: This poem will convey the essence of one kind of music.
1. Choose a genre of music (hip-hop, blues, metal, classical, bluegrass, country, rock, ska, reggae, jazz, emo, whatever).
2. Think about the themes and images common to this kind of music.
3. Think about how this kind of music sounds–rhythms, rhymes, alliteration, etc.
4. Write a short poem (20-30 lines) that imitates both the ideas of this kind of music and its sound.
~~Snapshot of a Family Poem: This poem will allow the reader to see a glimpse of your family asyou see them.
1. Think of an event that is representative of your family–something you do as a group
that is typical of you, whether you like it or not. This could be a family drive, going tailgating before a football game, eating dinner together (at home or in a restaurant), doing yardwork, going to church, watching a movie, whatever.
2. Write a poem that describes the event. Be sure to describe the event, the place, the time, and the people. Do not tell us what they feel, but show us–think of photos you have seen of people and how you can tell from their stance, their expressions, their body language exactly what is going on in their heads.
3. Choose a form for the poem which reflects the content. That is, a formal event might best be represented by a formal kind of poem (sonnet, for example), while a more casual event might better be served by free verse. Think about it.
I really cannot think of anything. I do not know how to start it or what events to pick.
Suggestions, a start, or ideas might be nice. Thank you.