stegosaurus fryup is now one because google finds it on this page :p
In theory any thing you submit on here that isnt in google at all. it becomes a google whack. Kinda like schrodingers theory, on chaos and complexity.
To work out the out come of a situation by annalysing data you are automatically becoming part of the system and there fore having an influence and change the equation
Nah, but you can't make your own. The point is to make it harderfor people anywhere else to find a Google whack because if you find a true Google Whack after google spiders this page it will no longer be one.
Cheers Mac.
Phloem steganography was an original one but it isnt now so that has been whacked and no longer one.
Orgulous Giraffe
Orgulous Baboon
and Orgulous Chimpanzee turns up a googlewhack on the same page as the baboon one
"orgulous" + some animal seems to be a powerful formula
Yup, found it...
Babylon Dictionaries & Glossaries
Craven de Kere's English etymology lexicon
No. of Definitions: 356 No. of Users: 3,509
jejuneness works good too... I tried it with 12 other simple words and turned up googlewhacks using it with chile, throb and quills -- all on different pages.
i found a couple. my favorite is:
oleander symbologist
because it only links back to my own blog!
Yay.. I thought this impossible when three results came for the bizarre combination of a little known French singer and 'ostrich'. I found Baileche re-blew, but this might not be a proper word. So, I decided to go for Baileche audacity, but one cannot use names, so--- damn!
I have one, but I'm not sure whether it qualifies:
gastrogyrocerobletonooenoscapulinaniac derivation.
It is, however, an accepted word...
How can it be an "accepted word" when it's too long for Google to accept?