Thu 16 Dec, 2004 07:43 pm
What do you know about it?
It is a bit of an answer isn't it?
Well, I've read Moorcock, and I'm aware that since the word was coined the accepted meaning has done a 180....and a bit can be an answer. :wink:
What do you want to know?
I want to know what it is and how broadly the notion is accepted in scientific circles.
The idea, as it is now defined, is a part of several cosmological theories. "What it is" varies from theory to theory, but the general idea is that you have our observable universe, and then beyond that you have a larger construction called the multiverse. It isn't really "accepted" by any scientific circles that I know of, it's just an idea that fits within some of the theories and most of the theories that utilise it are a LOOOooong way from being accepted as fact. Most can't even be tested at this point.
Mysticoscientism. Tons of spectulative thought backed by zero evidence.
I was on another forum in which I was "informed" that multiverse is a fact. I hadn't investigated this topic and I thought a crash course might be in order.
My instinct told me to resist it, but I didn't know for sure what I would be resisting.
The people who push it the most are M-theorists. Some of the quantum mechanics crowd are pretty big on it too.
It is most certainly not a "fact".
At this stage it is nothing more than an "interesting idea".
Well Edgar, at least it's an exotic idea, kinda like creationism.
No worries.
Do you want to go deeper into it?
I think not. Life is too short.
It's a good concept for science fiction and parlor talk I guess.
My recollection of the multiverse concept is that it is a valid theory. Unfortunately it is impossible to test. Or something like that.
How can one call it valid if it cannot be tested. Where's the proof?