The problem is that these days, everyone is a "Nazi".
- People who are against gay marriage are Nazis.
- People who want to force Christians to make gay cakes for these marriages are Nazis.
- People who support Israeli settlements on the West Bank are Nazis.
- People who oppose Israeli settlements are Nazis.
- People who want to end abortion are Nazis.
- People who want to keep abortion legal are Nazis.
- George Bush was a Nazi for Guantanamo.
- Obama was a Nazi for forcing people to buy health care.
- Feminists are Nazis (or "feminazis").
- Anti-Feminists are Nazis.
- The guy fired from Google for insulting women is now a Nazi.
It is getting a little ridiculous. If everyone is a "Nazi", then the term stops meaning anything. What made the actual Nazis into the symbol of evil wasn't their position on gay cakes, health care or abortion. What made them evil was their plan to systematically wipe out a race of people by murdering millions of people in gas chambers.
When you think about what the real Nazis did, your silly little political issues aren't so important. Sorry for saying that, but it's true.
(And yes, anyone who thumbs down this post... is definitely a Nazi.