Right to Refuse Service

emmett grogan
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2017 07:20 pm
Hope this helps

Me, too. What do you need?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2017 07:51 pm
He can say whatever he wants--he's still bound by the law and liability in civil suits. Having to pay for a law dog, and having to pay a settlement or a judgment, especially punitive damages, will be considerably more than an inconvenience. Your friend may be a nice guy, but on this topic, he's an idiot.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2017 10:43 pm
If they were unrestrained and belligerent coming into your place of service(or generally disturbing the peace), then that would be grounds for refusal of service.
emmett grogan
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2017 07:06 am
Re: TomTomBinks (Post 6490122)
If they were unrestrained and belligerent coming into your place of service(or generally disturbing the peace), then that would be grounds for refusal of service.

If they come in I can refuse service for the absolute right I have to refuse service. If you strike me as "off" I will not serve you. I reserve the right under Texas law to refuse service or to '86' to anyone I wish.
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2017 07:37 pm
@emmett grogan,
So I guess you fall into the group that believes your right to refuse service outweighs any responsibility you might have in owning a business.
1) A grocery store owner has a responsibility to provide food. It's not an overriding responsibility. It doesn't trump profitability, but it's there.
2) A gas station owner must provide gasoline. If someone dies in the desert because the owner "didn't like" him and didn't want to sell him gasoline, he should be charged with murder.

I could go on but I think you get my point.
emmett grogan
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 01:41 pm
To whom do you think I owe any responsibility to? I owe no-one any responsibility to anyone past myself.

As grocer I have no responsibility to do anything at all. Period.

I could go on but I think you get it, I have no responsibility to you if I chose not to serve you, not even an explanation. I have the explicit right (the law says I can refuse service anytime I judge it expedient) and I reserve it and I post it in a prominent place.
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 06:25 pm
@emmett grogan,
Forgive me for being repetitive, but just for the sake of clarity:
You own a gas station in the middle of a desert, I pull into your station nearly empty, you refuse to sell me gas because you don't like my haircut or my dirty t-shirt or whatever. ( I have money, am not belligerent in any way).
You want to exercise your freedom to not sell me gas, but if I don't get gas, I will likely die in the desert. Don't you have some responsibility here? Unless of course instead of selling me gas you'd like to feed and shelter me until I can figure out some other way to get some gas. I don't know what the law would say and that will vary from state to state, but don't you see some moral responsibility?
And it's the same with the grocery store. If you don't sell me food, well I can go some where else. But if no store will sell me food? Do you expect me to starve? Or move to another town?
emmett grogan
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 06:33 pm
Pull into my lot in the middle of the stinking desert where I have absolutely NO obligation to serve you in any sort of way and if the circumstances warrant it, I will not serve you.

Get yourself into the stinking desert, get yourself out. Call the cops, call AAA, call your parents. I have no responsibility to "help" you out.

I may have a legal responsibility for your situation if you were actually in jeopardy - like calling for an ambulance or calling the cops. I won't have to sell you gas or serve you alcohol.
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 06:54 pm
@emmett grogan,
Owning a business is part of the social contract. When I drove into the desert there was a sign that said "No gas for 100 miles". That means if I can get 100 miles, I can get some gas and it won't be at the whim of a flighty gas pumper. Otherwise the sign would say "No gas for 200 miles" and then I would have enough to get me that far and I could drive right past your station and flip you the bird on my way by.
It's just like if I come into your store I don't steal. If I want something I'm expected to pay for it. Likewise, if I have money and am not causing trouble in some way, I expect to be able to purchase anything you have for sale.
I know you will disagree. I have another fer-instance. This doesn't involve anyone wanting to buy something from you.
You're camping in the wilderness. Some poor lost hiker stumbles into your camp starving and dehydrated. Any responsibility here? Give him a drink of water, a bag of pretzels, point him in the right direction? Anything? Or tell him to get lost with out helping at all?
emmett grogan
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 06:57 pm
What social contract would that be specifically.

I have no obligation to anyone to serve anyone else I don't want to serve.
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 07:10 pm
@emmett grogan,
What social contract would that be specifically.

Well that's the way our society works. We have certain ways we're expected to behave. You don't cut in line, you don't shove people out of your way. You say "Please" and "Thank you" and "Pass the butter". It's why civilization works. We know what's expected of us and what to expect.
Do you live in a cave up in the hills?
emmett grogan
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 07:34 pm
Whats with the insults? What makes you think I don't please and thank-you?

"Please leave my premises."
"Thank-you for leaving my premises!"

See, social conventions are respected in my fine establishment.
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 09:17 pm
@emmett grogan,
No insults. I was just wondering if you lived far away from human society. This based on your selfishness and lack of concern for social norms and the well being of your fellow man.
emmett grogan
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 06:56 am
There you go with the insults, again. What indicates that I am selfish?????????

Telling a degenerate to leave my premises is not selfish, it is self protective. How is it selfish to deny service?

Before I can do anything for anyone else's well-being, my own well being need be in place first, particularly since you'd have me purveying food and gasoline in the middle of the stinking desert.

Anyone I'd not serve, I would call the local constabulary about.
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 06:59 am
@emmett grogan,
emmett grogan wrote:
purveying food and gasoline in the middle of the stinking desert.

Surely if you were in the middle of the desert, you'd be glad of every customer you could get, and I expect the desert dress code would be pretty informal?
emmett grogan
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 07:22 am
What if its one of these guys?






Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 07:51 am
@emmett grogan,
emmett grogan wrote:
What if its one of these guys?

Refusal. Definitely.
emmett grogan
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 02:00 pm
I'm not mean, but I am alive. When I tend bar I wear a clip-on tie, when I wait I wear a hand-tied bow. And if someone is off in a palpable way I will no serve and remove with as much subtlety as possible and as firmly as necessary. With fifty years in the business I've personally caught all three of the parties that tried to run out on one of my checks. I no served not much more than a handful and I have no regrets those times when the local constabulary unfortunately were needed to make someone sober I no served leave.

Being 68 has taught me a spoon-full of no serve saves the chaos and mayhem possible when one ignores one's 'spidey' sense about "characters" - in need or not.

I've got some war stories.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 02:35 pm
@emmett grogan,
emmett grogan wrote:

I am part of features someone else ranting about Nazis

Then stop defending people who call themselves Nazis and have absolutely no problem being called as Nazis.

Whats with the insults bobsal?
emmett grogan
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 03:13 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,

Then stop defending people who call themselves Nazis and have absolutely no problem being called as Nazis.

Whats with the insults bobsal?

Funny boy!

Whats wrong with calling people Nazis who dress like Nazis and call themselves Nazis?

Like these asswads, the American Bund in the 1930's:


Or these asswads from the George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party 1960https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Flh5.ggpht.com%2F_nVSrF0LLSCk%2FS-t7tAKhd2I%2FAAAAAAAAC18%2F3wBZh_EcXZQ%2Fs400%2Frockwell-2.jpg&f=1's

Or this asswad flag:


Or this Neo Nazi asswad:


Asswad at home:


asswads in formation:


Skinhead asswads:


Asswad seal:


asswad Ron Paul supporters:


Junior asswads:


Antifas group:


What asswads want:



Peaceful asswads:


These Nazis want to be called Nazis I call 'em Nazi and it offends your sensitivity. Its not an insult if they want to be called Nazis.

Saying you don't understand what an insult is isn't an insult because you choose be disingenuous about insulting Nazis.

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