When White Women hide behind Racial Minorities.

Mon 21 Aug, 2017 09:50 pm
Blickers, If you want to know what I said, just go back and read the OP. You are arguing against things I never said.

The issue is that White People (specifically White Women) are claiming that they are disadvantaged because they are White; the claim is that if they were Black, people would be more likely to defend them. They are using Black people as a political shield.

In my OP I explain that why this invocation of White Privilege is both inappropriate and offensive. It would be helpful if you responded to what I actually said, rather than making stuff up.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Aug, 2017 03:59 pm
But every group that is treated unfairly has the right to stick up for itself.

And there is no question but that women, as a gender, have been treated unfairly--depicted in negative stereotypes, deprived of status and rights, held in subservient and subordinate societal positions, and deprived of political and economic power, just as a few examples.

To argue, as Max does, that white women were/are spared the cultural force of gender discrimination because they enjoy "privilege", and "protection" simply by virtue of their skin color, is absurd, and his examples do not support that argument, and they distort the historical reality of women's treatment on the basis of gender.

As you have pointed out to him, he has ignored salient factors, such as socio-economic class, which I feel seriously damage his already bogus argument. And his focus on white women, and no other racial (or ethnic) groups of women, is his attempt to belittle and obscure the whole truth of gender discrimination, while it affords him an alleged excuse to discharge his anger toward women.

The entire premise of the OP of this thread is a straw-man argument created by Max. That was not the response to the Google memo--it was not an instance of "When White Women hide behind Racial Minorities"---the memo itself focused on gender, referring to all women, and not just white women--and a prominent response to the memo, by the female CEO of YouTube, pointed out that discrimination is discrimination, whether unfair negative stereotypes are directed toward woman or toward racial or ethnic groups, such as Blacks or Hispanics or toward LGBTQ groups. That was not a white woman "hiding behind a racial minority"--not at all--it was a woman mentioning her own experiences of gender discrimination, and affirming the validity of such discrimination, and calling out all such forms of discrimination--whether based on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference, as unacceptable.

To read this woman's response to the Google memo is to clearly see how Max has distorted what she said.

Susan Wojcicki is the chief executive of YouTube, which is owned by Google.

Read YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki’s Response to the Controversial Google Anti-Diversity Memo

Susan Wojcicki
Aug 09, 2017

Yesterday, after reading the news, my daughter asked me a question. “Mom, is it true that there are biological reasons why there are fewer women in tech and leadership?”

That question, whether it’s been asked outright, whispered quietly, or simply lingered in the back of someone’s mind, has weighed heavily on me throughout my career in technology. Though I’ve been lucky to work at a company where I’ve received a lot of support—from leaders like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, and Jonathan Rosenberg to mentors like Bill Campbell—my experience in the tech industry has shown me just how pervasive that question is.

Time and again, I’ve faced the slights that come with that question. I’ve had my abilities and commitment to my job questioned. I’ve been left out of key industry events and social gatherings. I’ve had meetings with external leaders where they primarily addressed the more junior male colleagues. I’ve had my comments frequently interrupted and my ideas ignored until they were rephrased by men. No matter how often this all happened, it still hurt.

So when I saw the memo that circulated last week, I once again felt that pain, and empathized with the pain it must have caused others. I thought about the women at Google who are now facing a very public discussion about their abilities, sparked by one of their own co-workers. I thought about the women throughout the tech field who are already dealing with the implicit biases that haunt our industry (which I’ve written about before), now confronting them explicitly. I thought about how the gender gap persists in tech despite declining in other STEM fields, how hard we’ve been working as an industry to reverse that trend, and how this was yet another discouraging signal to young women who aspire to study computer science. And as my child asked me the question I’d long sought to overcome in my own life, I thought about how tragic it was that this unfounded bias was now being exposed to a new generation.

Some of those responding to the memo are trying to defend its authorship as an issue of free speech. As a company that has long supported free expression, Google obviously stands by the right that employees have to voice, publish or tweet their opinions. But while people may have a right to express their beliefs in public, that does not mean companies cannot take action when women are subjected to comments that perpetuate negative stereotypes about them based on their gender. Every day, companies take action against employees who make unlawful statements about co-workers, or create hostile work environments.

For instance, what if we replaced the word “women” in the memo with another group? What if the memo said that biological differences amongst Black, Hispanic, or LGBTQ employees explained their underrepresentation in tech and leadership roles? Would some people still be discussing the merit of the memo’s arguments or would there be a universal call for swift action against its author? I don’t ask this to compare one group to another, but rather to point out that the language of discrimination can take many different forms and none are acceptable or productive.

I thought about all of this, looked at my daughter and answered simply.

“No, it’s not true.”

Susan Wojcicki is the chief executive officer of YouTube.

Max never seems to understand why people view him as a sexist or misogynist. It's a shame he didn't correctly understand what Susan Wojcicki was saying, but perhaps that's because his own anti-female bias distorted her statement beyond recognition.

I admire your efforts, to try to get Max to think, and to reconsider his position, but I really think it's a lost cause.
Tue 22 Aug, 2017 05:43 pm
To argue, as Max does, that white women were/are spared the cultural force of gender discrimination because they enjoy "privilege", and "protection" simply by virtue of their skin color, is absurd, and his examples do not support that argument, and they distort the historical reality of women's treatment on the basis of gender.

I don't remember making this argument. Could you point out where I said anything like this? You are making up arguments that I never made.

I am saying that White Women have White Privilege. And I am saying that White Women have been oppressors when it comes to Slavery... and you are the one who brought up Nazi Germany where White Women were full participants in the Nazi Party. White Women committed atrocities and served in official roles. Your claim that White women were targets of the Nazi death camps was ridiculous.

I have never said that women were spared "the cultural force of gender discrimination".

You seem to be unable to accept that White Women are privileged, and have been active participants in oppression of other races.

White women still have White Privilege. That is a fact.

Tue 22 Aug, 2017 08:28 pm
Look, your premise in this thread is one of the most muddled, poorly thought out, contradictory, inaccurate, hodge-podge of crap I have ever read on A2K in the 13 years I have been here. You'd be mortified if you were aware of how very deplete of substance and shallow your thinking is.
And I am saying that White Women have been oppressors when it comes to Slavery

Your idea of "Western Civilization" seems largely limited to the U.S.

Yes, there were some white women who owned slaves--but the overwhelming number of white women did not own slaves (nor were most white women members of the most privileged financial classes). Most white women oppressed no one else. Your reasoning is non-existent--you are overgeneralizing to the point of absurdity. Some black people also owned black slaves, some Native Americans also owned black slaves. On the basis of that, do you want to label all blacks and Native Americans, "oppressors when it comes to Slavery," just to be consistent with what you've said about white women.

you are the one who brought up Nazi Germany where White Women were full participants in the Nazi Party. White Women committed atrocities and served in official roles..

Women in Nazi Germany were generally restricted to traditional gender roles as wives and mothers and homemakers....while some did serve in concentration camps, the overwhelming majority of Nazi women did not do that, nor did they commit atrocities.

Hitler had very clear ideas about the woman's role in the Nazi state - she was the centre of family life, a housewife and mother. Hitler even introduced a medal for women who had eight or more children!

The role of women

The Nazis had clear ideas of what they wanted from women.

Women were expected to stay at home and look after the family. Women doctors, teachers and civil servants were forced to give up their careers. Even at the end of the war, women were never asked to serve in the armed forces.

Their job was to keep the home nice for their husband and family - their life should revolve round the three 'Ks':

Goebbels said: "The mission of women is to be beautiful and to bring children into the world."

Hitler wanted a high birth rate, so the population would grow. The Nazis even considered making it law that families should have at least four children. Girls did keep fit in the BDM to make themselves healthy for childbirth, but they were discouraged from staying slim, because it was thought that thin women had trouble giving birth.

The Law for the Encouragement of Marriage gave newly wed couples a loan of 1,000 marks, and allowed them to keep 250 marks for each child they had. Mothers who had more than eight children were given a gold medal. Unmarried women could volunteer to have a baby for an Aryan member of the SS.

Women were supposed to emulate traditional German peasant fashions - plain peasant costumes, hair in plaits or buns and flat shoes. They were
wear make-up or trousers, dye their hair or smoke in public.

Women in Nazi Germany were subject to doctrines of Nazism by the Nazi Party (NSDAP), promoting exclusion of women from political life of Germany along with its executive body as well as its executive committees.[1][2] While the Nazi party decreed that "women could be admitted to neither the Party executive nor to the Administrative Committee",[2] this did not prevent numerous women from becoming party members. The Nazi doctrine elevated the role of German men, emphasizing their combat skills and the brotherhood among male compatriots.[3]

Women lived within a regime characterized by a policy of confining them to the roles of mother and spouse and excluding them from all positions of responsibility, notably in the political and academic spheres. The policies of Nazism contrasted starkly with the evolution of emancipation under the Weimar Republic, and is equally distinguishable from the patriarchal and conservative attitude under the German Empire. The regimentation of women at the heart of satellite organizations of the Nazi Party, as the Bund Deutscher Mädel or the NS-Frauenschaft, had the ultimate goal of encouraging the cohesion of the "people's community" Volksgemeinschaft.

First and foremost in the implied Nazi doctrine concerning women was the notion of motherhood and procreation for those of child-bearing ages.[4] The Nazi model woman did not have a career, but was responsible for the education of her children and for housekeeping. Women only had a limited right to training revolving around domestic tasks, and were, over time, restricted from teaching in universities, from medical professions and from serving in political positions within the NSDAP.[5] Many restrictions were lifted once wartime necessity dictated changes to policy later in the regime's existence. With the exception of Reichsführerin Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, no women were allowed to carry out official functions, however some exceptions stood out in the regime, either through their proximity to Adolf Hitler, such as Magda Goebbels, or by excelling in particular fields, such as filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl or aviator Hanna Reitsch.
Women were within the ranks of the Nazis at the Nazi concentration camps : these were the Aufseherin and generally belonged to the SS. They were guards, secretaries or nurses. They arrived before the start of the war, some of them being trained from 1938 in Lichtenburg. This took place due to the need for personnel following the growing number of political prisoners after the Kristallnacht on 8 and 9 November 1938. After 1939, they were trained at Camp Ravensbrück near Berlin. Coming mostly from lower- or middle-class social origins, they previously worked in traditional professions (hairdresser, teacher, for example) but were, in contrast to men who were required to fulfill military serve, the women were driven by a sincere desire to reach the female wing of the SS, the SS-Gefolge. Of the 55,000 total number of guards at all the Nazi camps, there were 3,600 women (approximately 10% of the workforce), however, no woman was allowed to give orders to a man.

They worked at the Auschwitz and Majdanek camps beginning in 1942. The following year, the Nazis began the conscription of women because of the shortage of guards. Later, during the war, women were also assigned on a smaller scale in the camps Neuengamme Auschwitz (I, II and III), Plaszow Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen Vught and Stutthof, but never served in the death camps of Bełżec, Sobibór Treblinka or Chełmno. Seven Aufseherinnen served at Vught, 24 were at Buchenwald, 34 at Bergen-Belsen, 19 at Dachau, 20 at Mauthausen, three at Mittelbau-Dora, seven at Natzweiler-Struthof, twenty at Majdanek, 200 at Auschwitz and its sub-camps, 140 at Sachsenhausen, 158 at Neuengamme, 47 at Stutthof, compared with 958 who served at Ravensbrück, 561 at Flossenbürg and 541 at Gross-Rosen. Many supervisors worked in the sub-camps in Germany, some in France, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

There was a hierarchy within the Aufseherin position, including the following higher ranks: the Rapportaufseherin (head Aufseherin), the Erstaufseherin (first guard), the Lagerführerin (head of the camp), and finally, the Oberaufseherin (senior inspector), a post only occupied by Anna Klein and Luise Brunner.

Your claim that White women were targets of the Nazi death camps was ridiculous.

Are you now a Holocaust denier?

Or don't you consider Jewish women--like those millions imprisoned and murdered in concentration camps (and those murdered outside of any camps in various parts of Russia, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, etc. as part of the Holocaust) to be white? Aren't they Aryan enough for you?

White women, who were Jewish, were definitely targeted for death...

White women still have White Privilege. That is a fact.

No, that is not a fact--it is a gross oversimplification/ overgeneralization/distortion you are trying to peddle to support your anti-female sexist views.

And your basic premise of "When White Women hide behind Racial Minorities" is totally bogus. You have either grossly distorted what Susan Wojcicki said in response to the Google memo, or you are too dumb to understand what she said and meant.

Tue 22 Aug, 2017 08:36 pm
firefly wrote:
Yup, the white women gassed in the Nazi concentration camp death chambers were certainly privileged and protected, weren't they?

Let me just respond to this one thing Firefly.

My grandfather was Jewish (all of his family came to the US before WWI). But, I would likely been prosecuted under the Nazi regime had I been there. Jews were prosecuted not because they were "White", they were prosecuted because they were a racial minority. Jews at the time were not considered White... not in Germany and not in the US in the 1930s. Jews were a racial minority that was feared and hated by many people in the US openly.

The Nazis rose to power on a claim of racial supremacy. White Women were part of the master race and many were willing and eager participants in the Nazi regime.

You have this mythical narrative of the noble, blameless White Woman. It isn't based on fact.

Some black people also owned black slaves

Really? And what does this have to do with the issue of White Privilege, or the responsibility that White people have for the brutal institution?
Tue 22 Aug, 2017 08:57 pm
Jews at the time were not considered White... not in Germany and not in the US in the 1930s.

Jews in the U.S. in the 1930's, who were in fact Caucasians, were definitely considered white. Jews living in Germany, and other parts of Europe, who were Caucasians, definitely considered themselves white.

Anti-Semitism is still alive and well, as was recently displayed by neo-Nazis marching in Charlottsville Virginia...
Tue 22 Aug, 2017 09:34 pm
This argument about whether White Supremacists hate Jews is ridiculous and offensive. And whether or not White people were victims of Nazi death chambers is irrelevant to any discussion about White Privilege.

You really should stop with the Nazis. They don't help your argument.
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 06:16 am
Quote maxdancona:
This argument about whether White Supremacists hate Jews is ridiculous and offensive.

You are rapidly devolving into a caricature. White supremacists carry around swastikas at their rallies. Is that anti-Jewish enough for you?
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 06:35 am
firefly wrote:
Yup, the white women gassed in the Nazi concentration camp death chambers were certainly privileged and protected, weren't they?

Blickers wrote:

Quote maxdancona:
This argument about whether White Supremacists hate Jews is ridiculous and offensive.

You are rapidly devolving into a caricature. White supremacists carry around swastikas at their rallies. Is that anti-Jewish enough for you?

Actually Blickers, you attacking the wrong person. It is Firefly who is arguing that White People don't have privilege because they were oppressed in Nazi death camps. My comment was in response to her claiming that since she sees Jewish People are White means that White people can claim oppression from the Nazis and can't be said to have White Privilege.

I didn't want to talk about Nazis. Firefly won't let them go.

Yes, I agree with you that this is absurd.
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 07:20 am
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 07:35 am
So I’m done catering to the fragile white woman. To the ignorant comments: “We are all women, feminism is for all of us.” What are they playing at? It’s never been for all of us, no matter how hard women of color have tried to make it for them as well. They are still rejected from the narrative of womanhood. As a Black nonbinary person who is female bodied, I have raised two brown children in an America that has always been Trump America to me and my Black family. I’ve spent the last few years coming to terms with the fact that I have to fight for my space in this world. I do not get to hide behind pointing fingers at white men. I do not get to scream “Sexism!” to cover the fact that I contribute to racism. Black women do not get the luxury of still having white privilege, but having people make space for them because they are women. Often, requests for “diversity” are worded “Women and people of color.” This is exclusive to white women, keeping women of color from sharing space with men of color. After last week, we need to change that language.

I fear what white women will do while adjusting to this new America, the America that women of color have already known, have worked hard to be strong in. I wonder if they’ll repeat the same cycle as before. Using their gender when they see fit, but ultimately still choosing race over gender. I see them in the streets shouting about feminism, but where have they been when Black mothers were mourning the murders of their sons? Where were these feminists when mothers at Standing Rock were attacked with children in hand? Where are these feminists when immigrant mothers are threatened to be sent back to their countries? Why doesn’t their feminism extend that far? Is it because even fighting for equality comes with access and privilege? I suppose I should be happy that so many bubbles have been burst for white women, but I’m skeptical. In a month, will they still be taking to the streets and accompanying us? Will they still be organizing and demanding change? Will they finally have understood why their white feminism is dangerous and harmful to other women?

0 Replies
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 09:14 am
One of the arguments made in the Google Memo controversy is that if he was talking about "Blacks" rather than women, people would have been more outraged.

0 Replies
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 12:28 pm
This argument about whether White Supremacists hate Jews is ridiculous and offensive.

Unfortunately, it is not debatable-- the anti-Semitism is very real and hardly ridiculous.

Why you would find it "offensive" to have this pointed out is quite curious. Are you trying to defend those White Supremacists? Are they your Alt-Right buddies?

Anti-Semitism on Full Display in Charlottesville
August 15, 2017

Alongside the racism, nativism and xenophobia on display at Unite the Right, the event was also an expression of the animating power of anti-Semitism.

Marchers threw Nazi salutes as they waved swastika flags, proudly wore swastika pins and shirts, and shouted “sieg heil!” A sign carried by rally-goers warned that the “Jewish media is going down;” another declared that “Jews are Satan’s children.” A white supremacist told a reporter that “the ******* Jew-lovers are gassing us,” and another one called a Jewish counter-protestor a kike. “Blood and soil,” which the white supremacists chanted several times, is the translation of the Nazi slogan, “Blut und Boden.” And at least once, white supremacists changed their refrain, “You will not replace us” to “Jews will not replace us.”

But these were only the external trappings of anti-Semitism. The entire Unite the Right rally was built on racial and conspiratorial anti-Semitism.

Instead of trying to smear and insult all white women with the gross overgeneralizations and accusations you have been leveling at them in this thread, start acting like a man with a sense of decency and ethical principles--confront the appalling hatred and bigotry of White Supremacists.

Wed 23 Aug, 2017 12:59 pm
Firefly is the one arguing on the side of White Supremacists. If she can't even admit that there were White Women who were Nazi's, she is denying history.


I wouldn't be talking about Nazis if Firefly didn't bring them up. Firefly brought up Nazis in this discussion when she said

Yup, the white women gassed in the Nazi concentration camp death chambers were certainly privileged and protected, weren't they?

This is a ridiculous argument that Firefly started. If she would just admit

- White women have White Privilege.
- White women owned slaves and profited from the institution of slavery.
- White women were part of the Nazi party and played a role in the administration of the Nazi government.

These are historical facts. She is arguing against them because they don't fit her narrative.

But, after all, that is the point of this thread.
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 01:27 pm
And there are very admirable women--white women--who stand up for what they believe, and wind up dying for it. Heather Heyer was one of them. And she was murdered in Charlottesville Virginia a little over a week ago.

(CNN) — Heather Heyer dedicated her life to standing up for those she felt were not being heard, her family and friends said. She died fighting for her beliefs and campaigning against hate.

"She was very strong in what she felt and she spoke with conviction," Heyer's close friend and co-worker Marissa Blair told Chris Cuomo on CNN's "New Day."

"She would never back down from what she believed in. And that's what she died doing, she died fighting for what she believed in. Heather was a sweet, sweet soul and she'll never be replaced, she'll never be forgotten."

Thirty-two-year-old Heyer was killed Saturday when a car plowed into a crowd of counterprotesters gathered to oppose a "Unite the Right" rally of white nationalist and other right-wing groups. Nineteen others were injured in the incident.

A 20-year-old man from Ohio, James Alex Fields Jr., is charged with second-degree murder in Heyer's death...

Co-worker Victoria Jackson said Heyer was not one to take vacation. Heyer ate lunch at her desk because she was dedicated to the needs of her clients, Jackson added.

Jackson cried as she talked about Heyer, whom she had worked with side-by-side for 18 months. Heyer told Jackson she was worried that there would be gun violence at the white nationalist rally.

"Heather said, I want to go so badly but I don't want to get shot. I don't want to die," Jackson said.

But Heyer went anyway because she wanted to stand up for what she believed in.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe praised Heyer.

"She was doing what she loved," McAuliffe said. "She was fighting for democracy, (for) free speech, to stop hatred and bigotry."


Remember her, Max.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Aug, 2017 01:45 pm
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emmett grogan
Fri 25 Aug, 2017 02:41 pm
That's why I'm only watching this sexist crap passed off as a free speech exercise.

0 Replies
emmett grogan
Fri 25 Aug, 2017 02:48 pm
Re: firefly (Post 6489524)
This argument about whether White Supremacists hate Jews is ridiculous and offensive. And whether or not White people were victims of Nazi death chambers is irrelevant to any discussion about White Privilege.

You really should stop with the Nazis. They don't help your argument.

Could you be any more offensive? Just because it was polite doesn't mean that wasn't truly despicable. I thought you didn't defend Nazis and KKKers!!!!
emmett grogan
Fri 25 Aug, 2017 02:51 pm
is the one arguing on the side of White Supremacists. If she can't even admit that there were White Women who were Nazi's,

1930's Germany isn't 2o17 Charlottesville. Gees are you one dishonest debater, it only highlights your general trollishness.
Fri 25 Aug, 2017 02:54 pm
@emmett grogan,
Firefly is the only person on this thread who can be said to be "defending Nazi's". She said that White women were oppressed by the Nazis with the implication that the Women who actually were Nazis weren't responsible for their actions.

I think your offense is misplaced... or maybe you can link to anywhere that I have "defented[sic]" Nazis.

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