Look Out You Commies

Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 08:00 pm
All around this country, trouble in the air
And I hear the voices calling me
Asking do you know and do you care?
Do you know and do you care?

So I'm a-gonna do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
And I'm gonna be what I have to be
Now won't you come on along with me?
Won't you come along with me?

Don't want to cause no sorrow
Don't want to cause no pain
I'm only gonna cause what I have to cause
Until this land is free of shame
'til this land is free of shame

So I'm a-gonna do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
And I'm gonna be what I have to be
Now won't you come on along with me?
Won't you come along with me?

Only one thing I know, I know we're not alone
Was a million here before we came
Be a million when we're gone, we're gone
Million when we're gone

So I'm a-gonna do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
And I'm gonna be what I have to be
Now won't you come on along with me?
Won't you come along with me?

Oh, I'm afraid of trouble, yes I'm afraid of jail
But I'm more afraid, lord, not to try
More afraid of what happens, now, if we fail
What happens now if we fail

So I'm a-gonna do what I have to do
Say what I have to say
And I'm gonna be what I have to be
Now won't you come on along with me?
Won't you come along with me?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 08:03 pm
(Woody Guthrie)

It was early springtime that the strike was on
They moved us miners out of doors
Out from the houses that the company owned
We moved into tents at old Ludlow

I was worried bad about my children
Soldiers guarding the railroad bridge
Every once in a while a bullet would fly
Kick up gravel under my feet

We were so afraid they would kill our children
We dug us a cave that was seven foot deep
Carried our young ones and a pregnant woman
Down inside the cave to sleep

That very night you soldier waited
Until us miners were asleep
You snuck around our little tent town
Soaked our tents with your kerosene

You struck a match and the blaze it started
You pulled the triggers of your gatling guns
I made a run for the children but the fire wall stopped me
Thirteen children died from your guns

I carried my blanket to a wire fence corner
Watched the fire till the blaze died down
I helped some people grab their belongings
While your bullets killed us all around

I will never forget the looks on the faces
Of the men and women that awful day
When we stood around to preach their funerals
And lay the corpses of the dead away

We told the Colorado governor to call the President
Tell him to call off his National Guard
But the National Guard belong to the governor
So he didn't try so very hard

Our women from Trinidad they hauled some potatoes
Up to Walsenburg in a little cart
They sold their potatoes and brought some guns back
And put a gun in every hand

The state soldiers jumped us in a wire fence corner
They did not know that we had these guns
And the red neck miners mowed down them troopers
You should have seen those poor boys run

We took some cement and walled that cave up
Where you killed those thirteen children inside
I said, "God bless the Mine Workers' Union"
And then I hung my head and cried
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 08:06 pm
Gonna cross an ocean here, if I may presume to be so bold, and offer up a two-fer

Sunday Bloody Sunday
J. Lennon - Y. Ono

When they shot the people there
The cries of thirteen martyrs
Filled the Free Derry air
Is there any one amongst you
Dare to blame it on the kids?
Not a soldier boy was bleeding
When they nailed the coffin lids!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

You claim to be majority
Well you know that it's a lie
You're really a minority
On this sweet emerald isle
When Stormont bans our marches
They've got a lot to learn
Internment is no answer
It's those mothers' turn to burn!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

You Anglo pigs and Scotties
Sent to colonize the North
You wave your bloody Union Jack
And you know what it's worth!
How dare you hold to ransom
A people proud and free
Keep Ireland for the Irish
Put the English back to sea!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

Well, it's always bloody Sunday
In the concentration camps
Keep Falls Road free forever
From the bloody English hands
Repatriate to Britain
All of you who call it home
Leave Ireland to the Irish
Not for London or for Rome!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

Another take of the same incident:

Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bono - U2

I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes
And make it go away
How long...
How long must we sing this song
How long, how long...
'cause tonight...we can be as one

Broken bottles under children's feet
Bodies strewn across the dead end street
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up
Puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
Torn apart

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

How long...
How long must we sing this song
How long, how long...
'cause tonight...we can be as one

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Oh, wipe your blood shot eyes
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

And it's true we are immune
When fact is fiction and TV reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they di
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

The real battle just begun
To claim the victory Jesus won

Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunday Bloody Sunday...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 08:51 pm
World Turned Upside Down

In 1649
To St George's Hill
A ragged band they called the Diggers
Come to show the people's will
They defied the landlords
They defied the law
They were the dispossessed
Reclaiming what was theirs

'We come in peace' they said
'To dig and sow
We come to work the land in common
And to make the waste land grow
This earth divided
We will make whole
So it can be
A common treasury for all

The sin of property
We do disdain
No one has any right to buy and sell
The earth for private gain
By theft and murder
They took the land
Now everywhere the walls
Rise up at their command

They make the laws
To chain us well
The clergy dazzle us with heaven
Or they damn us into hell
We will not worship
The God they serve
The God of greed who feeds the rich
While poor men starve

We work, we eat together
We need no swords
We will not bow to masters
Or pay rent to the lords
We are free men
Though we are poor
You Diggers all stand up for glory
Stand up now

From the men of property
The orders came
They sent the hired men and troopers
To wipe out the Diggers' claim
Tear down their cottages
Destroy their corn
They were dispersed
But still the vision lingers on

You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
Al people one
We come in peace -
The order came to cut them down
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 08:55 pm
Dear landlord,
Please don't put a price on my soul.
My burden is heavy,
My dreams are beyond control.
When that steamboat whistle blows,
I'm gonna give you all I got to give,
And I do hope you receive it well,
Dependin' on the way you feel that you live.

Dear landlord,
Please heed these words that I speak.
I know you've suffered much,
But in this you are not so unique.
All of us, at times, we might work too hard
To have it too fast and too much,
And anyone can fill his life up
With things he can see but he just cannot touch.

Dear landlord,
Please don't dismiss my case.
I'm not about to argue,
I'm not about to move to no other place.
Now, each of us has his own special gift
And you know this was meant to be true,
And if you don't underestimate me,
I won't underestimate you.

Copyright © 1968; renewed 1996 Dwarf Music
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 09:00 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 09:02 pm
Poor Paddy
(Pogue's version)

In eighteen hundred and forty-one
The corduroy breeches I put on
Me corduroy breeches I put on
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-two
From Hartlepool I moved to Crewe
Found myself a job to do
A working on the railway

I was wearing corduroy breeches
Digging ditches, pulling switches
Dodging pitches, as I was
Working on the Railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-three
I broke the shovel across me knee
I went to work for the company
On the Leeds to Selby railway

I was wearing corduroy breeches
Digging ditches, pulling switches
Dodging pitches, as I was
Working on the Railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-four
I landed on the Liverpool shore
My belly was empty me hands were raw
With working on the railway, the railway
I'm sick to my guts of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-five
When Daniel O'Connell he was alive
When Daniel O'Connell he was alive
And working on the railway

I was wearing corduroy breeches
Digging ditches, pulling switches
Dodging pitches, as I was
Working on the Railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-six
I changed my trade to carrying bricks
I changed my trade to carrying bricks
To work upon the railway

I was wearing corduroy breeches
Digging ditches, pulling switches
Dodging pitches, as I was
Working on the Railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-seven
Poor Paddy was thinking of going to Heaven
The old bugger was thinking of going to Heaven
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm sick to my death of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

I was wearing corduroy breeches
Digging ditches, pulling switches
Dodging pitches, as I was
Working on the Railway

(traditional version)

n eighteen hundred and forty-one
My corduroy breeches I put on
My corduroy breeches I put on
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-two
I didn't know what I should do
I didn't know what I should do
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-three
I sailed away across the sea
I sailed away across the sea
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-four
I landed on Columbia's shore
I landed on Columbia's shore
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-five
When Daniel O'Connell he was alive
When Daniel O'Connell he was alive
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-six
I made my trade to carrying bricks
I made my trade to carrying bricks
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-seven
Poor Paddy was thinking of going to Heaven
Poor Paddy was thinking of going to Heaven
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty-eight
I learned to drink my whiskey straight
I learned to drink my whiskey straight
To work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway
Poor Paddy works on the railway
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 09:03 pm
The Pogues

The canals and the bridges, the embankments and cuts,
They blasted and dug with their sweat and their guts
They never drank water but whiskey by pints
And the shanty towns rang with their songs and their fights.

Navigator, Navigator rise up and be strong
The morning is here and there's work to be done.
Take your pick and your shovel and the bold dynamite
For to shift a few tons of this earthly delight
Yes to shift a few tons of this earthly delight.

They died in their hundreds with no sign to mark where
Save the brass in the pocket of the entrepreneur.
By landslide and rockblast they got buried so deep
That in death if not life they'll have peace while they sleep.

Navigator, Navigator rise up and be strong
The morning is here and there's work to be done.
Take your pick and your shovel and the bold dynamite
For to shift a few tons of this earthly delight
Yes to shift a few tons of this earthly delight.

Their mark on this land is still seen and still laid
The way for a commerce where vast fortunes were made
The supply of an Empire where the sun never set
Which is now deep in darkness, but the railway's there yet.

Navigator, Navigator rise up and be strong
The morning is here and there's work to be done.
Take your pick and your shovel and the bold dynamite
For to shift a few tons of this earthly delight
Yes to shift a few tons of this earthly delight.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 10:03 pm
Folks, I'd like to sing a song about the American dream.
About me, about you, about the way our American hearts beat way down
in the bottom of our chests. About that special feeling we get in the
cockles of our hearts, maybe below the cockles, maybe in the subcockle
area. Maybe in the liver. Maybe in the kidneys. Maybe even in the
colon, we don't know.

I'm just a regular Joe with a regular job.
I'm your average white suburbanite slob.
I like football and porno and books about war.
I got an average house with a nice hardwood floor.

My wife and my job, my kids and my car.
My feet on my table...and a cuban cigar.

But sometimes that just ain't enough to keep a man like me interested
no way
No, I've gotta go out and have fun at someone else's expense
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I drive really slow in the ultra-fast lane,
While people behind me are going insane.

I'm an asshole
I'm an asshole

I use public toilets and I piss on the seat,
I walk around in the summertime saying "How about this heat?"

I'm an asshole
I'm an asshole

Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces,
While handicapped people make handicapped faces.

I'm an asshole
I'm an asshole

Maybe I shouldn't be singing this song
Ranting and raving and carrying on
Maybe they're right when they tell me I'm wrong...


I'm an asshole
I'm an asshole

Know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac El Dorado
Convertible, hot pink, with whaleskin hubcaps and all-leather cow
interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights... yeah! And I'm
gonna drive around in that baby at 115 miles per hour, getting 1 mile
per gallon, suckin' down quarter pound cheeseburgers from McDonald's
in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers and when
I'm done suckin' down those greaseball burgers I'm gonna wipe my mouth
on the American Flag and then I'm gonna toss the styrofoam containers
right out the side, and there ain't a goddamn thing anybody can
do about it. You know why? Because we got the bombs, that's why Two
words: Nuclear fuckin' weapons, OK? Russia, Germany, Romania, they
can have all the democracy they want...they can have a big democracy
cakewalk right through the middle of Tienamen Square and it won't make
a lick of difference, because we got the bombs, OK? John Wayne's not
dead, he's frozen! And as soon as we find a cure for cancer, we're
gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off. You know
why? Have you ever taken a cold shower? Well, multiply that by 15
million times, that's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be.
I'm gonna get the Duke and John Casavetti and Lee Marvin

and Sam Peckinpaw

and a case of whisky

and drive to Texas...(HEY, HEY HEY!>

Why don't you shut up and sing the song, pal?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 10:18 pm
Dennis Leary does Ireland, too:

Traditional Irish Folk Song

They come over here
And they take all our land
They chop off our heads
And they boil them in oil
Our children are leaving
And we have no heads
We drink and we sing
And we drink and we die

We have no heads
We have no heads

They come over here
And they chop off our legs
They cut off our hands
And put nails in our eyes
O'Grady is dead
And O'Hanrahan's gone
We drink and we die
And continue to drink

No O'Hanrahan

They buried O'Neil
Down in country Shillhame
The poor children crying
And fe dee din de
Hin fle di dinfle
Di din fle de din de
In hey bibble bibble
Hey bibble bibble
Hey fle bibble de

No O'Hanrahan

We drink and we sing
And we drink and we sing

We drink and we drive
And we puke and we drink

We drink and we fight
And we bleed and we cry

We puke and we smoke
And we drink and we die

Gawd, that boy is strange - I love it Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 10:29 pm
No matter how hard we are beaten,
Our linked arms cannot be separated...
The time will come when the sun
Will shine through the clouds." - Lines from a song recorded by the nuns of Drapchi prison.

Songs from Drapchi Prison by the Drapchi 14

Song Translations by Tibet Information Network

1. MP3 version

Land of snows, land of snows
My beloved country
The fount of happiness is political and religious freedom
The Red Chinese have separated us from my root guru
The Buddhas who dwell in the ten directions
Witness the suffering of Tibetan people
We have to endure brutality
Which fills our land with tears and blood
The Buddhas who dwell in the ten directions
Hear words of truth
From the land of snows
My beloved country
The soul of my country
Tenzin Gyatso the ocean of wisdom
My root guru
Yeshi Norbu the wish fulfilling jewel
All Tibetan brethren
Unite unite
A day will come
When the sun will emerge from behind the clouds

2. MP3 version

The all knowing Dalai Lama
In whom we confide
Had to abandon his joyous land
Has to live on foreign soil
Land of his birth, stolen by China
Tibetans imprisoned
Although we have to wear Chinese clothes
The Red Chinese must be driven out
To gain our independence
Sacrifice our lives
Drive out the Red Chinese
In a year or two
Drive out the Red Chinese
In a year or two
The barbarians are triumphant

3. MP3 version

Red palace on the mountain top
Is the abode of the all knowing one
Although the all knowing one is in India
His thoughts are ever in Tibet
The brilliant rays of the moon
Shine throughout the world
The supreme and compassionate one
Frees me from my suffering
The supreme and compassionate one
Frees me from my suffering

4. MP3 version

Though India is a holy land
It is not the birth place
In Lhasa the city of jewels
A multitude of flowers blossom
Neither hail nor storm nor frost
Will break our united hands
Tibetan brothers and sisters
Make offering of sang juniper
The ocean of all knowing
Returns to the land of his birth
Bring silk khatas
Let us go and welcome him

5. MP3 version

Tibetan children in the holy land of India
Study for freedom of Tibet
Independence will come through the blessing of His Holiness
He is the father of our nation
Who is the parent of our nation?
He is the father of our nation
Oh people of the land of snows
To struggle for freedom is our responsibility
Independence will be the blessing of His Holiness
He is the father of our nation

6. MP3 version

Whose land is it
On the roof of the world?
It is our homeland
It is a land of religion
The ruler of this land is the
Compassionate Avalokitesvara
Under his compassionate and benevolent leadership
The people of this land love peace
The people of this land love freedom
The people of this land love freedom
May they gain peace and happiness

7. MP3 version

Our root Lama Panchen Rinpoche la
When he lived, prisoners were released
The barbaric Red Chinese
Poisoned and killed our root guru
The food is like pigs' swill
The beatings are violent
The prison years unending
Made limitless
The food is like pigs' swill
The beatings are violent
The prison years unending
Made limitless

8. MP3 version

Within an iron house, a cave with iron bars
Fellow Tibetans outside
The reason why Tibetans suffer in prison
Is because of what the Red Chinese do to us
This wretched generation of Tibetans
We have to suffer during this time
Because we had true freedom
They oppress us
Seize our freedom and peace
Back from the Red Chinese

9. MP3 version

The happy land of snow
The birth place of our protector
The good and compassionate people of Tibet
Are your children
Sweet pastures nourish living creatures
The protector is our parent
When we think of parents
We think of you
We offer this song in remembrance of you
We offer this song in remembrance of you

10. MP3 version

We sing a song of sadness
We sing it from Drapchi
Joy and happiness are as high as
snow capped mountains
We sing this song of independence
Yesterday's land of dharma
Today turned into barbarity
Though imprisoned today
We will never be disheartened
How sad
The barbarians are triumphant
Discard the blue prison uniform
Stand up prisoners of Drapchi
Through the compassion of the all knowing one
Peace will prevail in Tibet
Through the compassion of the all knowing one
Peace will prevail in Tibet

11. MP3 version

Song of sadness in our hearts
We sing this to our brothers and friends
What we Tibetans feel in this darkness will pass
The food does not sustain body or soul
Beatings impossible to forget
This suffering inflicted upon us
May no others suffer like this
In the heavenly realm, the land of snows
Land of unending peace and blessings
May Avalokitesvara Tenzin Gyatso
Reign supreme throughout all eternity

12. MP3 version

The view from Drapchi
I can only see the sky above
The clouds that form in the sky
I wish were my parents
We the imprisoned friends
Are the flowers in the jewel city
Neither hailstorm nor frost
Can part our united hands
The white cloud from the east
Is not a patch that is sewn
One day the sun
Will emerge from behind the clouds
Do not feel sad
Why should one be sad?
Even if the sun sets
The light of the moon will shine
Even if the sun sets
The light of the moon will shine
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 08:28 am
Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill

Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun.
In case of accidents he always took his mom.
He's the all American bullet-headed saxon mother's son.
All the children sing
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lies
Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise.
So Captain Marvel zapped in right between the eyes.
All the children sing
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
The children asked him if to kill was not a sin.
Not when he looked so fierce, his mother butted in.
If looks could kill it would have been us
Instead of him.
All the children sing
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 09:36 am
Someday they won't let you, so now you must agree
The times they are a-telling, and the changing isn't free
You've read it in the tea leaves, and the tracks are on TV
Beware the savage jaw
Of 1984

They'll split your pretty cranium, and fill it full of air
And tell that you're eighty, but brother, you won't care
You'll be shooting up on anything, tomorrow's never there
Beware the savage jaw
Of 1984

Come see, come see, remember me?
We played out an all night movie role
You said it would last, but I guess we enrolled
In 1984 (who could ask for more)
1984 (who could ask for mor-or-or-or-ore)

I'm looking for a vehicle, I'm looking for a ride
I'm looking for a party, I'm looking for a side
I'm looking for the treason that I knew in '65
Beware the savage jaw
Of 1984


1984 (more)
1984 (more)

David Bowie - 1984 Lyrics
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 09:47 am
Lawyers, Guns and Money
Warren Zevon

Well, I went home with the waitress
The way I always do
How was I to know
She was with the Russians, too

I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this

I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the rock and the hard place
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck

Now I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The **** has hit the fan

Send lawyers, guns and money...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 12:38 pm
RIP Warren
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 01:45 pm
Crying or Very sad , lost one of the best when he died
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 06:28 pm
Mr. Bad Example Lyrics
Written By Warren Zevon & Jorge Calderon

I started as an alter boy, working at the church
Learning all my holy moves, doing some research
Which led me to a cash box, labeled "Children's Fund"
I'd leave the change, and tuck the bills inside my cummerbund

I got a part-time job at my father's carpet store
Laying tackless stripping, and housewives by the score
I loaded up their furniture, and took it to Spokane
And auctioned off every last naugahyde divan

I'm very well aquainted with the seven deadly sins
I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in
I'm proud to be a glutton, and I don't have time for sloth
I'm greedy, and I'm angry, and I don't care who I cross

I'm Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time, and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred, and go down in infamy

Of course I went to law school and took a law degree
And counseled all my clients to plead insanity
Then worked in hair replacement, swindling the bald
Where very few are chosen, and fewer still are called

Then on to Monte Carlo to play chemin de fer
I threw away the fortune I made transplanting hair
I put my last few francs down on a prostitute
Who took me up to her room to perform the flag salute

Whereupon I stole her passport and her wig
And headed for the airport and the midnight flight, you dig?
And fourteen hours later I was down in Adelaide
Looking through the want ads sipping Fosters in the shade

I opened up an agency somewhere down the line
To hire aboriginals to work the opal mines
But I attached their wages and took a whopping cut
And whisked away their workman's comp and pauperized the lot

I'm Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time, and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred and go down in infamy

I bought a first class ticket on Malaysian Air
And landed in Sri Lanka none the worse for wear
I'm thinking of retiring from all my dirty deals
I'll see you in the next life, wake me up for meals
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 06:31 pm
Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)

Senor, senor, do you know where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon?
Seems like I been down this way before.
Is there any truth in that, senor?

Senor, senor, do you know where she is hidin'?
How long are we gonna be ridin'?
How long must I keep my eyes glued to the door?
Will there be any comfort there, senor?

There's a wicked wind still blowin' on that upper deck,
There's an iron cross still hanging down from around her neck.
There's a marchin' band still playin' in that vacant lot
Where she held me in her arms one time and said, "Forget me not."

Senor, senor, I can see that painted wagon,
I can smell the tail of the dragon.
Can't stand the suspense anymore.
Can you tell me who to contact here, senor?

Well, the last thing I remember before I stripped and kneeled
Was that trainload of fools bogged down in a magnetic field.
A gypsy with a broken flag and a flashing ring
Said, "Son, this ain't a dream no more, it's the real thing."

Senor, senor, you know their hearts is as hard as leather.
Well, give me a minute, let me get it together.
I just gotta pick myself up off the floor.
I'm ready when you are, senor.

Senor, senor, let's disconnect these cables,
Overturn these tables.
This place don't make sense to me no more.
Can you tell me what we're waiting for, senor?

Copyright © 1978 Special Rider Music
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 06:45 pm
Praise boss when morning work bells chime!
Praise him for bits [chunks] of overtime!
Praise him, whose [bloody] wars we love to fight,
Praise him, fat leech and parasite!
Amen! [Aw, hell!]
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 10:01 pm
by Joe Glazer (1951)

You'd better beware, you'd better be good,
You'd better do only the things that you should.
Joe McCarthy's coming to town.

He'll call you a pink, he'll call you a red,
He'll drive every liberal thought from your head.
Joe McCarthy's coming to town.

He knows when you're subversive, he knows each move you make;
His gumshow boys are watching, so be good for McCarthy's sake.

So you'd better play safe, don't talk and don't read,
Don't write and don't join if you want to succeed.
Joe McCarthy's coming to town.

If you've got a book whose cover is red,
When you start to read look under the bed,
Cause Joe McCarthy's coming to town.

If you go to church to pray or to wed,
You'd better make sure that the preacher's not red,
Cause Joe McCarthy's coming to town.

Now if you are a teacher and you want to get ahead,
Don't mention Thomas Jefferson, talk about Joe McCarthy instead.

So, you'd better play safe, don't talk and don't read,
Don't write and don't join, if you want to succeed,
Joe McCarthy's coming to town.

Be careful who your friends are, be careful what you say.
Don't be too controversial, or McCarthy will get you some day.

So, get rid of your brains and you'll never go wrong,
You'll always be safely sailing along,
When Joe McCarthy's coming to town.
0 Replies

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