Look Out You Commies

Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 03:30 am
timber, dys and edgar! i am very disappointed in you all. you know, by heart, i might add, entirely toooo many work songs. i'm sorry, but i will need your papers. it is imperitive that your names be given to the department of investigation of people that know too many work songs. now, that may seem redundent, but that is how we keep order around here.

it is only by your luck that i missed your recitation in unison of "the fish cheer".


0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 10:04 am
Mebbe wonderfully signs of mis-spent youths, eh, DTOM? :wink:

You ain't seen nothin' yet - I'm just itchin' for the right place to drop in The Lumberjack's Lament Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 10:12 am
Timber...I'm way impressed with your musical knowledge...Bacharach-David....Love. Sittin back enjoin this.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 05:33 pm
a couple from Utah philips cd We Have Fed You All A Thousand Years


The bum on the rod is hunted down
As the enemy of mankind;
The other is driven around to his club
And feted, wined and dined.
And they who curse the bum on the rods
As the essence of all that is bad

Will greet the other with a winning smile
And extend him the hand so glad.
The bum on the rods is a social flea
Who gets an occasional bite;
The bum on the plush is a social leech,
Blood-sucking day and night.

The bum on the rods is a load so light
That his weight we scarcely feel,
But it takes the labor of dozens of men
To furnish the other meal.

As long as you sanction the bum on the plush,
The other will always be there,
But rid yourself of the bum on the plush
And the other will disappear.

Then make an intelligent, organized kick,
Get rid of the weights that crush;
Don't worry about the bum on the rods,
Get rid of the bum on the plush!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 05:34 pm

Are you poor, forlorn and hungry?
Are there lots of things you lack?
Is your life made up of misery?
Then dump the bosses off your back.
Are your clothes all patched and tattered?
Are you living in a shack?
Would you have your troubles scattered?
Then dump the bosses off your back.

Are you almost split asunder?
Loaded like a long-eared jack?
Boob - why don't you buck like thunder,
And dump the bosses off your back?
All the agonies you suffer
You can end with one good whack
Stiffen up, you orn'ry duffer
And dump the bosses off your back.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 05:39 pm
The Big Rock Candy Mountain
2 versions

version 1
1. On a summer day
In the month of May
A burly bum came hiking
Down a shady lane
Through the sugar cane
He was looking for his liking
As he roamed along
He sang a song
Of the land of milk and honey
Where a bum can stay
For many a day
And he won't need any money

Oh the buzzin' of the bees
In the cigarette trees
Near the soda water fountain
At the lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
On the big rock candy mountain

2. There's a lake of gin
We can both jump in
And the handouts grow on bushes
In the new-mown hay
We can sleep all day
And the bars all have free lunches
Where the mail train stops
And there ain't no cops
And the folks are tender-hearted
Where you never change your socks
And you never throw rocks
And your hair is never parted

3. Oh, a farmer and his son,
They were on the run
To the hay field they were bounding
Said the bum to the son,
"Why don't you come
To that big rock candy mountain?"
So the very next day
They hiked away,
The mileposts they were counting
But they never arrived
At the lemonade tide
On the big rock candy mountain

1. One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fires were burning,
Down the track came a hobo hiking,
He said, "Boys, I'm not turning
I'm heading for a land that's far away
Beside the crystal fountain
I'll see you all this coming fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain

Oh the buzzin' of the bees
In the cigarette trees
Near the soda water fountain
At the lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
On the big rock candy mountain

2. In the Big Rock Candy Mountain,
It's a land that's fair and bright,
The handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night.
The boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
I'm bound to go
Where there ain't no snow
Where the sleet don't fall
And the winds don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain.

3. In the Big Rock Candy Mountain
You never change your socks
And little streams of alkyhol
Come trickling down the rocks
O the shacks all have to tip their hats
And the railway bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew
And gingerale too
And you can paddle
All around it in a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain

4. In the Big Rock Candy Mountain
The cops have wooden legs
The bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmer's trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
I'm bound to go
Where there ain't no snow
Where the sleet don't fall
And the winds don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain.

5. In the Big Rock Candy Mountain,
The jails are made of tin.
You can slip right out again,
As soon as they put you in.
There ain't no short-handled shovels,
No axes, saws nor picks,
I'm bound to stay
Where you sleep all day,
Where they hung the jerk
That invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 05:43 pm
one more version i found

The Big Rock Candy Mountains (the hoboes paradise)

Where the ham and eggs grow on trees
And bread grows from the ground
And the springs spurt booze to your knees
And there's more than enough to go around.


Where the chickens craw into the skillet
And cook themselves up nice and brown
And the cows churn their butter in the mornin'
And squirt their milk all around.


Where the lunches grow on the bushes
And bump the 'boes in the eyes
And every night at eleven
The sky rains down apple pies.


His home is where the bird sing
And young girls swim in the fountains
And the cigarettes grow with the matches
In the big potato mountains.

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And little streams of alcohol
Come a'trickling down the rocks
The boxcars are all empty
And the railroad bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew and whiskey too
You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 05:54 pm
How 'bout Rock Salt And Nails...always my favorite Utah.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 06:02 pm
Now I lie on my bed and I see your sweet face;
The past I remember, time cannot erase.
The letter you wrote me, it was written in shame,
And I know that your conscience still echoes my name.

The nights are so long and sorrow runs deep,
And nothing is worse than a night without sleep.
I walk out alone and look at the sky,
Too empty to sing, too lonesome to cry.

If the ladies was blackbirds and the ladies was thrushes,
I'd lie there for hours in the chilly, cold marshes;
If the ladies was squirrels with their high bushy tails,
I'd load up my shotgun with rocksalt and nails.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 06:06 pm
Yeah man...thanks
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 06:19 pm
Vigilante Man

Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
I've been hearin' his name all over this land.

Well, what is a vigilante man?
Oh, what is a vigilante man?
Has he got a gun and a club in his hand?
Oh, what is a vigilante man?

Rainy night down in the engine house,
Sleepin' just as still as a mouse,
A man came along and he chased us out in the rain.
Was that the vigilante man?

Stormy days we passed the time away,
A sleepin' in some good warm place.
A man came in and we give him a little race.
Was that a vigilante man?

Preacher Casey was just a working man,
And he said, "Unite the working man."
He was killed in the river by some strange man.
Was that a vigilante man?

Oh, why does a vigilante man?
Oh, why does a vigilante man?
Carry a sawed-off shot-gun in his hand?
Would he shoot his brother and sister down?

I rambled around from town to town,
I rambled around from town to town,
And they herded us out like a wild herd of cattle.
Was that the vigilante man?

Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
I've been hearin' his name all over this land.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 06:23 pm
Good tune by Woodie...eerie done by Ry Cooder.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 06:31 pm
Come all you old time cowboys
And listen to my song
Please do not grow weary
I'll not detain you long
Concerning some wild cowboys
Who did agree to go
And spend the summer pleasant
On the range of the buffalo

Well I found myself in Griffin
In eighteen eighty-three
When a well-known famous drover
Come a'walkin' up to me
Sayin "How do you do young feller
And how'd you like to go
And spend a summer pleasant
On the trail of the buffalo?"

Well me being out of work right then
To that drover I did say
"This goin' out on the buffalo road
Depends upon your pay
If you pay good wages
Transportation to and fro
Well I think I might go with you
On the range of the buffalo"

Yes I will pay good wages
And transportation too
If you'll agree to work for me
Until the season's through
But if you do grow homesick
And try and run away
You'll starve to death out on the trail
And you'll also lose your pay

Well with all this flatterin' talkin'
He signed up quite a train
Some ten or twelve in number
All able bodied men
Our trip it was a pleasant one
As we hit the Westward Row
Until we struck ol' Boggy Creek
In old New Mexico

Well, here our pleasures ended
And our troubles all begun
When a lightnin' storm come up on us
And it made the cattle run
We got full of the stickers
From the cactus that did grow
And the outlaws waiting to pick us off
In old New Mexico

Well the working season ended
But the drover would not pay
He said "You went and drunk too much
You're all in debt to me"
But the cowboys never had heard
Of such a thing as a bankrupt law
So we left the drover's bones to bleach
On the range of the buffalo

Cisco Houston
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 06:36 pm
The crops are all in and the peaches are rotting,
The oranges are stacked in their creosote dumps;
They're flying them back to that Mexican border
To pay all their wages to wade back again
Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye, Rosalita,
Adios mi amigo, Jesus and Maria;
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane,
And all they will call you will be "deportees"
My father's own father, he waded that river,
They took all the money he made in his life;
My brothers and sisters come working the fruit trees,
And they rode on the trucks till they took down and died.
Well some are illegal, and some are not wanted,
Our work contract's out and we've got to move on;
Six hundred miles to that Mexico border,
They chase us like outlaws, like rustlers, like thieves.
We died in your hills,and we died on your deserts,
We died in your valleys and died on your plains.
We died 'neath your trees and we died in your bushes,
Both sides of that river, we died just the same.
The sky plane caught fire over Los Gatos Canyon,
Like a fireball of lightning and shook all our hills,
Who are all these friends, all scattered like dry leaves?
The radio says, "They are just deportees"
Is this the best way we can grow our big orchards?
Is this the best way we can grow our good fruit?
To fall like dry leaves and rot on my topsoil
And be known by no name except "deportee"?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 06:41 pm
Good-bye to my Juan, good-bye Rosalita
Adios mi amigo, Jesus e Maria

The song always tears me up.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 07:26 pm
Well, my shoes, they come from Singapore,
My flashlight's from Taiwan,
My tablecloth's from Malaysia,
My belt buckle's from the Amazon.
You know, this shirt I wear comes from the Philippines
And the car I drive is a Chevrolet,
It was put together down in Argentina
By a guy makin' thirty cents a day.

Well, it's sundown on the union
And what's made in the U.S.A.
Sure was a good idea
'Til greed got in the way.

Well, this silk dress is from Hong Kong
And the pearls are from Japan.
Well, the dog collar's from India
And the flower pot's from Pakistan.
All the furniture, it says "Made in Brazil"
Where a woman, she slaved for sure
Bringin' home thirty cents a day to a family of twelve,
You know, that's a lot of money to her.

Well, it's sundown on the union
And what's made in the U.S.A.
Sure was a good idea
'Til greed got in the way.

Well, you know, lots of people complainin' that there is no work.
I say, "Why you say that for
When nothin' you got is U.S.-made?"
They don't make nothin' here no more,
You know, capitalism is above the law.
It say, "It don't count 'less it sells."
When it costs too much to build it at home
You just build it cheaper someplace else.

Well, it's sundown on the union
And what's made in the U.S.A.
Sure was a good idea
'Til greed got in the way.

Well, the job that you used to have,
They gave it to somebody down in El Salvador.
The unions are big business, friend,
And they're goin' out like a dinosaur.
They used to grow food in Kansas
Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw.
I can see the day coming when even your home garden
Is gonna be against the law.

Well, it's sundown on the union
And what's made in the U.S.A.
Sure was a good idea
'Til greed got in the way.

Democracy don't rule the world,
You'd better get that in your head.
This world is ruled by violence
But I guess that's better left unsaid.
From Broadway to the Milky Way,
That's a lot of territory indeed
And a man's gonna do what he has to do
When he's got a hungry mouth to feed.

Well, it's sundown on the union
And what's made in the U.S.A.
Sure was a good idea
'Til greed got in the way.

Copyright © 1983 Special Rider Music
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 07:30 pm
It's coming through a hole in the air,
from those nights in Tiananmen Square.
It's coming from the feel
that this ain't exactly real,
or it's real, but it ain't exactly there.
From the wars against disorder,
from the sirens night and day,
from the fires of the homeless,
from the ashes of the gay:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming through a crack in the wall;
on a visionary flood of alcohol;
from the staggering account
of the Sermon on the Mount
which I don't pretend to understand at all.
It's coming from the silence
on the dock of the bay,
from the brave, the bold, the battered
heart of Chevrolet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

It's coming from the sorrow in the street,
the holy places where the races meet;
from the homicidal bitchin'
that goes down in every kitchen
to determine who will serve and who will eat.
From the wells of disappointment
where the women kneel to pray
for the grace of God in the desert here
and the desert far away:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

Sail on, sail on
O mighty Ship of State!
To the Shores of Need
Past the Reefs of Greed
Through the Squalls of Hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on.

It's coming to America first,
the cradle of the best and of the worst.
It's here they got the range
and the machinery for change
and it's here they got the spiritual thirst.
It's here the family's broken
and it's here the lonely say
that the heart has got to open
in a fundamental way:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

It's coming from the women and the men.
O baby, we'll be making love again.
We'll be going down so deep
the river's going to weep,
and the mountain's going to shout Amen!
It's coming like the tidal flood
beneath the lunar sway,
imperial, mysterious,
in amorous array:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

Sail on, sail on ...

I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene.
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight,
getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags
that Time cannot decay,
I'm junk but I'm still holding up
this little wild bouquet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 07:36 pm
Talking Cuban Crisis
by Phil Ochs

It was just a little while ago I glued my ears to the radio
The announcer was sayin' we'd better beware
A crisis was hanging - a wave from the air
crawlin' on the ground
swimmin' in the sea
headin' for me

Well, I didn't know if I was for or agin' it
He was yellin' and screamin' a mile a minute
Well, he said "Here comes the President
but first this word from Pepsodent
Have whiter teeth
Have cleaner breath
When you're facin' nuclear death"

And then President John began to speak
And I knew right away he wouldn't be weak
Well, he said he'd seen some missile bases
And terrible smiles on Cuban faces
Close Pictures
carryin' land reform too far
Giving land to the USSR

Well, he said we mustn't be afraid
We're settin' up a little blockade
Put our ships along the Cuban shores
And if the Russian bear yells and roars,
We'll let him have it

From Turkey and Greece, Formosa and Spain
The peaceful West European Plain
From Alaska and Greenland we'll use our means
And twenty thousand submarines
We're gonna teach the Russians a lesson
For trying to upset the balance of power

Now most Americans stood behind
The President and his military minds
But me, I stood behind a bar
Dreamin' of a spaceship getaway car
Head for mars
Any other planet that has bars
Like Gerde's Folk City

Yes, it seemed the President's stand was strong and plain
But some Republicans was a-goin' insane
And they still are
They said our plan was just too mild
Spare the rod and spoil the child
Let's sink Cuba into the sea
And give 'em back democracy
Under the water

Well, the deadline was set for ten o'clock
For a cold war it was a-gettin' hot
Well, the Russians tried, the Russians failed
Homeward bound those missiles sailed
Mr. Khruschev said, "Better Red than dead."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 07:52 pm
Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war.

Hey, there, mister black man, can you hear me?
I don't want your diamonds or your game
I just want to be someone known to you as me
And I will bet my life you want the same.

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war.

Seven hundred million are ya list'nin'?
Most of what you read is made of lies
But, speakin' one to one ain't it everybody's sun
To wake to in the mornin' when we rise?

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war.

Brother Solzhenitsyn, are you busy?
If not, won't you drop this friend a line
Tell me if the man who is plowin' up your land
Has got the war machine upon his mind?

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war.

Now, no doubt some folks enjoy doin' battle
Like presidents, prime ministers and kings
So, let's all build them shelves
Where they can fight among themselves
Leave the people be who love to sing.

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war.

I say … let it fill the air …
Tellin' people everywhere …
We, the people, here don't want a war.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 07:56 pm
I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you and me
Says I to Phil "You're ten years dead"
"I never died" says he
"I never died" says he

The music business killed you Phil
They ignored the things you said
And cast you out when fashions changed
Says Phil "But I ain't dead"
Says Phil "But I ain't dead"

The FBI harassed you Phil
They smeared you with their lies
Says he "But they could never kill
What they could not compromise
I never compromised"

"Though fashion's changed and critics sneered
The songs that I have sung
Are just as true tonight as then
The struggle carries on
The struggle carries on"

With the song of freedom rings out loud
From valleys and from hills
Where people stand up for their rights
Phil Ochs is with us still
Phil Ochs inspires us still

Words: Billy Bragg Music: Earl Robinson
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