Thu 9 Dec, 2004 06:59 pm
Im trying to create the largest list of oxymorons ever and would appreciate as many as you can give. I have a few already:
Great Depression
free trade
peacekeeper missile
sweet tart
crash landing
now then
butt head
sweet sorrow
student teacher
silent scream
taped live
alone together
good grief
tight slacks
living dead
near miss
light tanks
old news
open secret
clearly confused
act naturally
alone together
Hell's Angels
found missing
liquid gas
civil engineer
deafening silence
seriously funny
military intelligence
jumbo shrimp
Advanced BASIC
tragic comedy
unbiased opinion
virtual reality
definite maybe
original copies
pretty ugly
same difference
plastic glasses
almost exactly
constant variable
even odds
minor crisis
extinct life
genuine imitation
exact estimate
only choice
freezer burn
working holiday
hot chilli
criminal justice
peace force
i hope i didnt repeat myself, lol, please feel free to add as many as you want!
compassionate conservative
No, I guess I don't wanna know....
lol mcmansions, i like it, anything goes
civil war
microsoft works
Merry Andrew, i love your signature!! lol
anyways i have some more:
almost pregnant
pure evil
Vanilla Fudge
barely dressed
resident alien
man child
advanced beginner
bad luck
painless torture
accurate estimate
virtual reality
Melted Ice
Anarchy Rules!
Recorded live
speed bump
All natural artificial flavor
Authentic Reproduction
Baby Grand
Bad Sex
Act Naturally
Casual Dress
Civil Disobedience
Bright Night
Books on tape
Boneless Ribs
Clean litter
Click the start button to shut down
Cold Fever
Comedic Tragedy
Fatally Injured
Growing Smaller
Hell's Angels
Jet Lag
Legally Drunk
Mild Abrasive
military intelligence
working vacation
problem solver
alone together
constant variable
tragic comedy
pretty ugly
sound of silence
plastic glasses
constructive attitude
deafening silence
deliberately thoughtless
tight slacks
passive aggressive.
sleeping like a baby.
good burn
airline food
cold sweat
black light