Sat 5 Aug, 2017 10:17 pm
I recently purchased A kimono vest from a thrift store. It almost looks like it was made for an animal but I could be wrong. It has a McDonalds patch on the back and McDonalds brass buttons. Anyone know what this a
@Dwayna D 123,
Got a picture? I'm having trouble visualizing a kimono style vest.
@Dwayna D 123,
sounds like it is Ronald mcDonalds old outfit.
kimono vest thingies are all the rage with a certain demographic
the name seems to have started in the UK
in the old days we just called them maxi vests
Rhoda wore them
I see. Well, I never claimed to have any kind of fashion sense.
I only learned about them when they started showing up in local online clothing swap groups. I was still calling them maxi vests. OMG ! LOL !!!! lol !
I still kind of dress like Rhoda.
could be worse, you could be dressing like Maude:
Maude, I vaguely remember her...
My kimonos have had sleeves. I still have one I bought when visiting Piffka (username, I'll sequester her real name) in the Seattle area when I was passing through on some trip or other. She took me around the area, and one venture was to some island offshore from the city.. with a store that had kimonos.
Years before that, there were my pals Jane, a designer, and What's his name, both of them very interesting people. The fellow collected Stickley furniture. The fellow was a photographer who shot Los Angeles by night and some of that went on album covers. I almost remember the name, it's edging closer.
Anyway, they lived together at an (old beer factory? something like that) near down town Los Angeles. You walked in their front door, you were suddenly walking on gravel.
If you looked up, you would see on the high walls a display of his collection of real kimonos...
Of course, I just remembered his name after I stopped trying: Ed Colver, superb photographer.
Hi Roger. How do I upload a photo?
@emmett grogan,
You guys are funny lol. Id like to upload a photo but im not to tech savvy
@Dwayna D 123,
its not so hard: right click photo and click 'image location' and go to A2K and click on "image' and paste the image location in the middle.
I can do it, anyone could!
@Dwayna D 123,
I used to be good at it..
here's a clue:
Oh, ****, I forgot..
(not kidding)
@emmett grogan,
Isn't that who posed for the dollar bill?
No, that's one of the Marx brothers.
@emmett grogan,
So that's why it's in B&W.