Wed 8 Dec, 2004 03:23 am
To all crossword buffs, can you solve the following demon clues:-
Bird's courtship display patch = Le?
Barrel bands = H?o?s
Anti-aircraft fire = A?ak
Discussion place = A??um
Also can anyone confirm Kittyhawk as the site of the first powered flight.
Barrel bands = hoops
Anti-aircraftt fire = akak
Re: discussion place. Are you sure that's an 'A' for the 1st letter? I'd think the answer is 'forum.'
Kittyhawk is generally credited as the place of the Wright Brothers' first powered flight.
hello merry andrew
If forum is correct it would make akak wrong the letters would be f?ak are you any the wiser?
Hi canada, andrew,
Yeah. Could be flak. Same as akak... what does the L do for the cross?
Hi Andrew
L is part of the answer ALL = Totally. Have you looked at my new cryptic Daily Express crossword of today's date. Nobody has come forward as yet. Debbie
Discussion place = A??um = Atrium
Yeah, flak and forum make sense and flak, in fact, is better than akak. Haven't looked at the games and riddles forum yet today. Will take a peek soon.
Usually "ack-ack"
The patch is a lek
Answers to clues re Lovatts Demon
Barrel band = HOOPS
Birds Courtship Patch = LEK
Anti Aircraft = FLAK
Discussion Place = FORUM
Kittyhawk correct for site of first powered flight ( reference Wright Brothers)
Good Luck,
demon crossword answers
Hey there! Have been searching high and low for the 'lek' answer to the courtship patch. My internet search led me to this collection of posts - so thanks everyone for your help!!