Well BoGoWo, fancy sending your soul through the internet and have someone hit "delete" on the other end?
I wish I could do that, Phoenix but I just can't!
I have more rich-but-needy friends in Third World countries than I deserve.
My father, god bless him, since he has been retired has way too much time on his hands and I get a ton of forward har har hars, too. Most of my friends now not to send forwarded crap, but its really hard for me to tell dad to knock it off.
My spamfilter works great a well and lucky about 99 percent of the Cialis, Rolex watch, see live sex here, get your medications online now ads are blocked and deleted.
If I DO ever happen to read a forward though, my biggest peeve is like Phoenix's. Clean the darn thing up first and don't send me all the crap that goes with it!!
I have taught my friends to cut and paste when forwarding emails. I will not open an email that says: Fw, Fw, Fw, in the subject box...who knows where it has been and what kind of diseases it has picked up :wink: