Sat 4 Dec, 2004 05:24 am
Can anyone help with the following crossword clues.
Jacobs son ???i
Software trial ???a test
stalactites or stalagmites G???e?t???s
Large (yacht) ?a?i
Chocolate cream filling Ga?a?he
Creamy white colour I?o?i
Arcadian U?o?i?n
Many thanks
7 Utopian
Too many words ending in 'i', are sure you haven't screwed up somewhere? Because 6 is almost definitely IVORY.
Dear Hingehead, Joe Nation,
Thanks for your help. Hingehead yes I probably have screwed up in places this is why the crossword is called the stinker it's quite difficult Ivory is right thanks. I don't recognise your home town where is it.
Joe read your details Wow! are you on anything? Tee Hee!
Softwear trial -- BETA test
chocolate fillining -- Ganache
Hello Boomerang
Thanks for your help. Only two to go, I look at the screen periodically to see who's about. Don't think I've heard from you before. Nice to communicate.
Your creamy white color is possibly ivory. The closing "i" you show could possibly be "y" for an alternate spelling.
The closest I can come to your large yacht is "pahi" which is actually a large war canoe.
Hi Canada - Cairnsberra is my meld of Cairns and Canberra - opposite ends of Australia - I'm in the process of moving from one to the other. Forgive my strange, hibernian sense of humour.
To all concerned
I finally found the answer to stalagmites as speleothems and I'm taking a chance on large yacht as YAWI if I'm wrong please tell me, I've spent hours on this Stinker crossword. Will have some more Stinkers for you later.
Never heard of a "yawi"; however a "yawl" is a variety of two-masted sailboat.