Thu 2 Dec, 2004 11:33 pm
To all Cryptic Clue Buffs, how about some help with these:-
Upset child's play P?S?O???
Journalist's line of credit ?Y???E
Means of escape for couples during flood ?R?
Assortment of animals hunted and shot ?I??? B?? (5,3)
It's known to put the squeeze on helpless victims ?N???N??
Cat has iron-on stripe ???I??
Lose nerve at important point of gag ??O??
Hockey player who consistently meets objectives (10 Letters)
Poles have it in packs I??
Not ready to take off if arches are too low ?L?T ???T?D (4,6)
Your help would be much appreciated.
1. Pushover (pushover = child's play and upset)
2. Byline
3. Ark
4. ?
5. ?
6. Feline (Fe = iron; line = stripe)
7. Choke (= gag + lose nerve at important point)
8. ?
9. ?
10. Flat footed
OK, after some thought,
4. Mixed bag
9. Ice (pack ice - South and North Poles)
Don't know much about hockey but could it be
5 anaconda (don't know why)
and criss is right - it must be goalkeeper
maybe the reason for anaconda is anna conned her and the ones anna conned were the helpless victims???????
Dear Crisscross,Hingehead,Whaywoodracman,
Thank you for your help you all really are a bright lot. Just a couple more under Zimbabwean Grassland. Thanks in advance.
Lovatts Cryptic Clues
Hello canada,
I hope these are the answers:
Journalist's line of credit - byline
Means of escape for couples during flood - ark (Noah's)
Poles have it in packs - ice (North and South)
Hello Bru66
Yes your answers are correct. So Toronto eh! I was born there, beautiful city, I envy you. Lived in Poole, Dorset for the past 12 years. Thanks for your help.
Lovatts Cryptic Clues
Hello canada,
Toronto is a great city but the real estate is very expensive. I don't see myself living anywhere else though. Glad to help with the clues.