I knew that would draw you perverts in here!! LOL
I want to own my own business. Maybe with a push from you A2Kers, and some helpful advice, I can achieve that.
I have a few ideas of what I want, but not sure about either.
Idea #1: Bar & Grill
Somewhat of a general bar and grill. But not exactly. I want the "Coyote Ugly" atmosphere in the bar area. Open 7 days a week, offering a different theme each night of the week, with live music on Thursdays, Fridays and Sat. Extending the bar area to the open outdoors and offering a variety of things to do there. Especially during the summertime, open air concerts, etc.. A few general redneck games, horseshoe pitching on weekends, etc..
We have no bars in this area that would compare to that. There are none.
Our local bars consist of karoke, juke boxes, mediocre bands. We have biker bars, karoke bars and some upper scale bars that are great....cigar lounges, blues.....etc.
The grill area....... not the typical grill. I have more work to do on that, but have a general idea on the food. And then again, we have a few places that offer those type menues. Those that do, do not have a bar in the background, other than the ones that coinside with the restuarant. (ie, not much of one)
The area that I have picked out, is a tourist area. Its visited year round by many from all over the world. Usually your typical bar and grill don't make it, unless your ready to offer something on a different level.
Idea #2: Skating Rink
This seems by-far the best idea. Its more logical in the area that I live in.
It would be more than just a skating rink. I know...your thinking...woo wee, what fun? NOT.
For starters, we have nothing in this area for kids, teenagers to do after school. I am in a very rural area. Literally, one red light. Seriously....
There are no places for these kids to have an outlet unless its getting into some kind of trouble, or heading to the nearest town. (both are 20 miles in opposite directions) Or the lake.
Some ideas:
Opening early for women to be able to exercise in the rink area. Or elderly couples. There are no gyms in this area. Again, 20 miles to the nearest town.
Not only the rink, but an arcade, eating area......and rooms for private birthdays.
One good point is the fact that the area that I live in, has an abundancies of churches. There are atleast 15-20 in this area alone. Each one of these churches on a monthly basis, rent out a rink in another town for thier teens to use. I would be sure to gain thier business.
The fact that the lake nearby is continuously crowded during the summer, with tourist looking for something to do. These are usually family oriented people, and a skating rink would be right up thier ally.
I know you A2Ker's have opinions. LOL, give them to me.
Now...another question?
If I wanted to start this business with a goverment grant, is there anyone that has any experience with it? I have the downloads of the goverment grants, but its like reading greek to me. I can find everything but grants for these types of businesses.