OCCOM BILL wrote:cavfancier wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:I joined Loopnet... searched through 100's, seemed like thousands of restaurant listings for my Chef friend in Wisconsin and am now 80% convinced we should open a restaurant together.
I'll be taking a look at a 150 seat place on Pompano Beach tomorrow afternoon.

Will somebody please save a place for me in the bankruptcy line.

Hmm...just when I was thinking of moving to Florida and asking O'Bill for money, this comes up.
Well, O'Bill doesn't have any money but he may soon need a good cook... but methinks you're a bit beyond that... and my would-be partner is a CIA grad.
I scouted that school, and went for the whole visit. I chose the Stratford Chef's School instead, not too far from Toronto, because they offered me a better deal, cash wise, and I was a shoo-in for getting accepted based on letters of reccomendation from my work experience. So...what's the concept?
farmerman wrote:I went on a USGS site to find out about dissolved platinum.
"Dissolved platinum", finally, I'm not alone in my search for the truth about the complexities of that elusive mineral.
cavfancier wrote:Actually, the only site I joined was one to find out about a band, Corvus Corax, yes, The Raven. It was all full of strange Germans...I'm hoping djjd62 might have some info. I hear they are doing a performance of Carmina Burana in Berlin that I won't be able to make.
The track I was looking for, that I have had an impossible time finding, was one they did probably a few years ago, with a mix of industrial and bagpipes.
have never neard of this band before, sounds interesting
While suffering A2K withdrawal I posted on another message board and was chastised and my posting privileges were suspended for four days as a result of a sarcastic comment I made.
I'm by and large respectful of others and don't usually give in to my sarcastic compulsions. I simply posted a short observation of mine and someone felt compelled to quote me and give a reply which had absolutely no relevance whatsoever to the point I made. It was posted by one of the regulars who knew the rules and was able to word their remark in a way to fly under the radar of the moderators but was clearly condescending and an obvious passive aggressive flame directed at me. I replied back and tactfully pointed out the irrelevance of the remark and added my sarcastic comment, "Thanks for the input." That is passive aggressive of me but felt it was warranted and got me banned for four days. I understand if I had been offensive or resorted to juvenile name calling but taking away posting privileges for sarcasm? Ah well, such is the internet.
What struck me the most was the response I received from the moderator. The mod sent me a note which read, "If you can't make your point without being a dick about it, don't make it." Wow, talk about a double standard. I can't be sarcastic but he can be rude and vulgar? I sent a note back acknowledging my sarcasm was not in keeping with the spirit of the message board and asked was it necessary for the name calling? I haven't received a response but don't expect one either.
I don't care enough to be the least bit upset as I'm sure we've all experienced both extremes of message board before finding A2K.
I just prowled my usual travel forums - and made myself grumpy because I'm not able to travel at present.
I might go and have a look at the travel forums at Boston.com (Thanks EBeth) - travel was what got me into Abuzz in the first place! But the current NYTimes travel forum is beyond my comprehension - I'm sure there's a coherent way to approach it - but it's beyond me.
RfromP wrote:What struck me the most was the response I received from the moderator. The mod sent me a note which read, "If you can't make your point without being a dick about it, don't make it." Wow, talk about a double standard. I can't be sarcastic but he can be rude and vulgar?
What a rich scenario! You handled that better than I might have.
paulaj wrote:What a rich scenario! You handled that better than I might have.
My initial impulse was to tear into him like nobody's business but self control got the better of me. I reasoned that being rude is in his nature and that a retort to him is probably the norm and he almost certainly dismisses such a response therefore maintaining his pompousness. I decided to take another route and see if I could induce a normal human-style response from him. However, I don't feel he's capable of such a response. That's a shame. (wait! was that sarcasm?)
djjd62 wrote:cavfancier wrote:Actually, the only site I joined was one to find out about a band, Corvus Corax, yes, The Raven. It was all full of strange Germans...I'm hoping djjd62 might have some info. I hear they are doing a performance of Carmina Burana in Berlin that I won't be able to make.
The track I was looking for, that I have had an impossible time finding, was one they did probably a few years ago, with a mix of industrial and bagpipes.
have never neard of this band before, sounds interesting
Dang...I sooo want that track, it is really cool. So far, searches on music sharing programs have not turned it up.
Haven't nailed down a concept yet, Cav. It's a bit premature for that. So far, we're just talking... but I am intrigued. :smile:
cavfancier wrote:
Dang...I sooo want that track, it is really cool. So far, searches on music sharing programs have not turned it up.
Teh world premier of Carmina Burana will be next year at the
Wacken Open Air (in German AND
wacky foreign)
Carmina Burana website (in German only)
the BBC did a brilliant version of the Carmina Burana a few years ago - I wonder if it is available on video?
A2K withdrawal definitely suffered here
Withdrawal suffered here, too. But it was amazing how much I accomplished!
I should probably declare a moratorium on A2K for myself every month.
I looked at a bunch of newspapers/news services online - NY Times, Washington Post, Telegraph, BBC News, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Google News, Yahoo News - and then gave up and started to do some household fixup, which improved my humor.
i was at a couple rock and roll band sites - you know for my buddy that has the gold album now
they actually posted some of my pictures of the concert I went to.