We differ and I know it is confusing.
Americans start with the month, then the date, then the year:
- July 8, 2017
- 7-8-17
- 7-8-2017
- 07-08-2017
We would say all of these as either:
- July the eighth, twenty seventeen
- July the eighth, two thousand seventeen
- July eighth, twenty seventeen
- July eighth, two thousand seventeen
- The eighth of July, twenty seventeen (or two thousand seventeen)
British folks start with the day, then the month, then the year:
- 8-7-17
- 8-7-2017
- 08-07-2017
However, I believe they say the dates the same way (I hope a Britisher will come along and confirm or correct).
There may be some variances to these but usually for Americans we start with the month for writing but not necessarily for speaking.