PET PEEVES (or hot topics)

Reply Mon 10 Feb, 2003 08:49 pm
It's funny Equus, I have never been a big horn
user. On a trip one time, being driven through
Chicago during rush hour - enroute to a train
station, because the USUAL had happened, ie
train delay- so (and anyone who has even been
on a long Amtrak trip knows exactly what I mean)
you missed your next train - so - busloads of you
are driven for an hour out of Chicago, bedded
down for the night, then put on next day's train.
This bus driver got behind a slow poke - and he
got up on the guy's bumper and laid on that horn
until the fool finally moved over. I was amazed
at how GUTSY a move that was. I haven't driven
in city traffic since leaving suburbs of Pittsburgh PA
almost 20 years ago. So MY PET PEEVE OF TODAY
goes to AMTRAK!! I once took a tour all around
continental USA by train, sleeping car and all that.
It was fun EXCEPT that all the rails are owned by
the freight train companies... so if there is ever
the occassion to choose who goes first - it sure is
not Amtrak.
They are always late - it is a disaster, they NEVER
ever get anywhere on time!!! Mad Mad
I hit the horn a bit more often lately also... I
get tired of turning on my lights - flicking them on
and off, on and off - but they are so busy yakking
on their phones or yelling at their kids, I may as
well not exist. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
what a world, what a world, what a world Question
(from the witch in wizard of oz)
but I'm not melting.
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Reply Mon 10 Feb, 2003 08:52 pm
Joann - IS that a law in Florida???
I know that a blind person with a cane who
steps right out in front of you always has
the right of way, but I didn't think that just
being elderly allowed you to drive as Phoeniz
so aptly described....got to get ahead of you
and then drive slow as molasses in springtime.
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Reply Mon 10 Feb, 2003 09:10 pm
One pet peeve per day! Man-o-man, where do I start? I gues I start with idiot drivers - all of them in their multifaceted varieties.
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Reply Mon 10 Feb, 2003 11:02 pm
Am I allowed to come here and rant about drivers on their cell phones every day? Wow, that would be great! (I won't, I promise...)

Didn't we learn that the safest way to drive was with both hands on the wheel? What ever happened to that? Hundreds, thousands, of drivers in Houston are driving with one hand, distracted by whatever it is that is so important that they must discuss it with someone while risking my life and the lives of everyone around them. Why is this accepted? How long will it take before laws are passed? The police write tickets every day to people who aren't wearing seatbelts, and those people are only risking their own lives.

<sigh> Thanks for the opportunity to rant, babs - I feel much better...
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Reply Mon 10 Feb, 2003 11:25 pm
Babs, you certainly knew what you were doing when you said "one pet peeve" a day!!!

Mine for today is: When I ask a child a question, and one or both of the parents answer!

Man, this fricken drives me insane! I want the childs version, okay? If I wanted yours, I would have asked you, you dumb spit! Jeeshus!
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 12:14 am
taxes disguised as "revenue enhancement"
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Tim King
Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 04:11 am
Well, I was going to say questions that limit answers to one per day, but since that's so gosh darn obvious, I'll go with:

Pet Peeve #1 - Schools, churches, clubs, sports teams and other groups that force their participants to raise funds by selling overpriced candy, cookies, wrapping paper, candles and the like to people who don't need them or want them. If you need money, ask for money. But don't tell my kids they can't play soccer if they don't sell 25 cans of peanut brittle at $4 a pop.

Side comment: am I the only one currently being harassed by the Girl Scout mafia? First, I've got at least 15 people at work trying to sell me the stuff and every one of them expects you to buy at least one box. My office now looks like we've decided to decorate in late 20th century signup sheets. Then I can't walk more than 10 feet in my town before I run into another in a series of card tables loaded with boxes of thin mints and snickerdoodles, all guarded by cute little pixies with puppy dogs eyes and outrageous expectations. Meanwhile, two or three soccer moms hover nearby giving the evil eye to any passerby who would dare walk past without being appropriately enticed by their adorable daughters, their bland and overpriced wares, or the opportunity to the line the coffers of Girl Scouts U.S.A.. It's got to the point where I finally bought a box of Shortbreads just so I can carry it with me when I leave my home, a swastika-like symbol I can wear on my sleeve to fool the little brown shirts into thinking I'm one of them. Nasty business, these cookie sales.
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 10:16 am
Hey macsm11, for those of us who drive sticks, it's not possible to ALWAYS keep two hands on the wheel. You gotta shift.

One thing, it's next to impossible to use a cell phone in a standard tranny auto. If everyone drove sticks, you'd see a lot fewer of those morons with the phone pressed to their ear, weaving across the lane, speeding up, slowing, speeding up, slowing.....

I actually got one to acknowledge me and move over a lane this morning. He wasn't happy about it, but either was I. Hang up and drive people.
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 10:54 am
Good point, cjhsa! It's been a while since I drove a stick shift. Loved those toolbooths, shifting gears with both feet and one hand, rolling down my window with the other hand, plus reaching for the money and steering! Needed to be an octopus sometimes...

I think I'll look for a HANG UP AND DRIVE bumper sticker... I see them occasionally.
Very Happy
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 11:13 am
It's another day, I get to choose another pet peeve:

People in conversation who insist on saying "yah know what I mean" after every word they speak!

Oh, that gets my Irish up, big time!
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 03:41 pm
i thought "hands free" driving was a law in most states?
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 04:04 pm
Unfortunately not, but those using the headsets seem pretty distracted as well.
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2003 04:17 pm
Executive VPs who expect you to work out a department budget down to the nickel, which takes days and even weeks; and then when you present it to them, they say "$X doesn't seem right to me, let's put you down for $Y" on a three-second evaluation of the situation. Yet these same VP-types are too dumb or too self-important to change the paper in the copy machine or start a new pot of coffee. I'm amazed they come in with their shoes tied.
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Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2003 01:15 am
CAR ALARMS!! Twisted Evil Is there anyone on the planet who thinks that a car is being stolen when the alarm goes off? I was in a cab waiting for the light to turn green--not moving. The alarm in the car parked to our right started blasting. No one was near it.
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Reply Thu 13 Feb, 2003 09:25 pm
Forgive me if you think I sound a bit unpatriotic, but my Pet Peeve for today is the endless barrage from our government warning us of an impending terrorist attack.

People have heard so many of them, most of us take a new warning with a grain of salt.

This latest alert which would have us duct tape our windows shut with plastic sheeting reminds me of the "duck and cover" routine I had in grammar school back in the '50s.

I am alive and if an act of terrorism kills me, well, something has to.

Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Thu 13 Feb, 2003 10:47 pm
Wonder how much the Duct Tape Industry has contributed to the bush administration! (joke Laughing ) Wall to wall duct tape stories on the cable news networks the last couple of days.
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Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2003 09:46 am
My boss not telling me what he wants me to do and then getting impatient because I didn't guess it. Where's my crystal ball???
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Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2003 10:27 am
That's easy to beat, urs. The boss tells you what to do, forgets he told you, and wants to know why you did something like that.
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Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2003 10:46 am
Oh yes, he can do that, too... :-)

(oops, no, that wasn't a second one for today, no no!)
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Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2003 10:01 pm
WH: Thank you very much! I'm so sick of these threats, warnings, alerts, and what-not! You know? There wouldn't be any threats if they weren't warning us of "possible threats"!

I'm not buying any duct tape, plastic window covering, or anything else. If we're anthraxed then so be it!

Damn newspeople, they love to sensationalize and terrorize everyone!
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