@P E Dant,
13 Actors and actresses you like or dislike
1. Audrey Hepburn, like, a lot
2. Robert Duvall - like
3. Paul Giamatti - absolutely adore. Should have won an Oscar for Sideways.
4. John Wayne, dislike, usually. He doesn't play characters. Characters play him.
5. Hilary "The Wooden Plank" Swank. Two of the worst actress Oscar wins ever.
6. James Dean, great method actor.
7. Olivia Colman, wicked great actress
8. Jackie Gleason, dislike, not funny at all
9. Tina Fey. So incredibly funny.
10. Tom Hanks, like, so versatile!
11. Steven Seagal. He's such a terrible actor. Plus he has an unearned ego twice the size of Texas and Alaska combined.
12. Robin Williams - like - he was brilliant in 'Good Will Hunting'
13. Emma Stone. Great actress.