Mon 22 Nov, 2004 12:51 pm
Hello, Sarah's partner here.......when I was doing my Lit 'O' level, back in 1978, I read a poem that was on the paper for the students to deconstruct and all that. I absolutely loved that poem but I've never encountered it before or since. All I remember of it now is that it was called 'Property Property' and that two of the lines ran 'Property property when will it end/When will the poltergeist descend'. Of course I realise that I may be dissappointed by the poem now that I'm a man in his forties but it's the sort of thing that I'd like to pass on to my daughter because I make her learn poetry in exchange for mobile phone top-ups. Hope that somebody can help with this.
Jigsaw II by Louis Macneice
Property! Property! Let us extend
Soul and body without end:
A box to live in, with airs and graces,
A box on wheels that shows its paces,
A box that talks or that makes faces,
And curtains and fences as good as the neighbours'
To keep out the neighbours and keep us immured
Enjoying the cold canned fruit of our labours
In a sterilised cell, unshaved, insured.
Property! Property! When will it end
When will the poltergeist ascend
Out of the sewer with chopper and squib
To burn the mink and the baby's bib
And cut the tattling wire to town
And smash all the plastics, clowning and clouting
And stop all the boxes shouting and pouting
And wreck the house from the aerial down
And give these ingrown souls an outing?
Massive thanks noddy24, you really came through!
Credit to Google.
I enjoyed the poem--thank you! Why don't you people stick around A2k?
But you took the trouble to google it and reply....that was a very kind thing to do for us. Partner has puzzled for years over it. Daughter will get £20 top up on her phone if she learns it! We will pay it forward noddy24
Sarah, Sarah's partner, and kid with annoying phone....I sincerely hope you all stick around. I like your style.
Thank you! My bit of immortality.
I used to assign my kids memory pieces to wipe out childish misdeeds. They complained bitterly at the time, but now....
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune....
I love the memory thing, and THIS piece, posted by another member is brilliant:
Mrs. cav and I were pissing ourselves listening to it. <Needs Flash and speakers>
Pissed off that partner gave age away....of course I'm years younger than him. 'I was a mere child of sixteen' :wink: