Osso, you have traveled a bunch (if I remember correctly) have you ever had this experience?
When I am in Latin America, people often ask me why America is so "racist". I respond that it is the same reason that Mexico (or Guatemala or wherever) is racist. Invariably, they will explain that their country doesn't experience racism the way America does.
From my American point of view, this is ridiculous. Offices in Mexico are cleanly divided by skin tone (even physically), the management is light skinned, the workers are slightly darker. People with dark skin work, generally, in manual labor. I used to laugh at the Billboards for banks, that always feature smiling happy White Families (I am not talking about tourist areas here, I am talking about Mexico proper). The people in the Billboards don't look anything like the people in the streets, nor do the professionals in the bank look anything like their customers. Many Americans would interpret this as racism.
The truth is, around the world people talk about race in America (and sex in America and anything else in America). People in Europe and Latin America don't understand it at all the way we understand these issues.
When African-Americans travel to Europe, they often experience what they consider to be racism. I know people personally who report this, and it is also well documented (and you can google it). The Europeans in most of these countries don't at all understand it.
So no, People don't learn what it means to be an American from watching TV.