Socialism has proven itself as a tool for govt to take advantage of The People.
This country was founded so that the govt could not do that. Unfortunately, Dems keep voting to give the govt more and more power and head us straight into the kind of govt we purposely left, fought wars and founded a new country to avoid.
Your govt does not now and will NEVER take better care of you than you can. I do not understand why a person would vote to pay 10x more for a service and give a govt the the right to tell them how they can use it.
If you were old now (like me) and experienced this country before the shift left of the 1960s, you would be amazed at how different the country is now (in a bad way) and the level of respect the government used to treat us with. That was back when We The People still had control of the govt We The People own.
YOU Own the business. Why do you want to give control of it away?
An adult has experienced govt services and knows they are badly done and extremely costly.
Been to the post office? Crappy rude overpriced service. Been to the DMV, crappy rude overpriced service. Been to a VA hospital really crappy rude service. Before Obamacare my health insurance cost 350.00 per month. Now it costs 750.00 and covers A LOT less.
Before student loans ANYONE could afford college. Classes were not auditoriums, football teams were earning millions and college was 12.00 a credit hour at a Big 10 school. Govt student loans drove the price up.
ANYTIME the govt gets involved you are guaranteed that whatever it is is going to hell in a handbasket.
So why do you want to give up control of your life and money to this entity that has proven itself wasteful and corrupt? No one will ever take care of your money and your life as well as you can.
Young people today feel so incapable and insufficient. It's so sad. Probably because you were raised in day care and had no parents.