Keith Olberman MSNBC Takes On Lying Liar Anne Coulter

Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 11:33 am
Actually, it has been his lead story for 4 nights, after reviewing the transcripts. Let's see if he'll go for 5.
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Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 12:36 pm
Actually, it was his lead story last night, according to the transcript, but not the last four nights. And, it's a countdown to the number one story, so I could argue that it was his top story 4 nights ago, and last night it was at the bottom (number 10). But since I haven't watched him in a week or so, I really don't know and won't beat that to death.

But you're welcome to read what you want into it. The fact remains that it is humor-based news and it's kind of silly for Coulter to go after him. She should save her nasties for Matthews or someone who has more of a serious news digger reputation.
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Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 04:41 pm
[quote="Ticomaya] Much like BPB doesn't care for Scarborough. [/quote]

BPB never looked this good.
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Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 05:31 pm
too bad they don't burn witches anymore...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 05:32 pm
Way to waltz right in and sum it all up.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 05:38 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
too bad they don't burn witches anymore...

The oh so tolerent left. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 09:55 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Well, ok Tico. I think that his show is generally humorous and not meant as a 'headline news' sort of serious news anchor bit. It's also not a talk show like Hume's or (someone brought up) McEnroe and Miller.

But I just went back and looked at the transcripts, and while it's clear that he is giving voting irregularities a lot of coverage, it is not clear (as you and the fascist party doll seem to believe) that he is espousing the idea that the election was stolen. And election irregularities are worthy of coverage, in my opinion.

Very Happy

Okay, FD. I'll admit I truly don't know for a fact the motivation for why he's devoted so much time and focus to the issue of "election irregularities." Perhaps I'm reading too much into the fact that it's been his lead story for three nights in a row ....

... but if that's his lead story tonight .... Rolling Eyes

Olbermann received a thousand e-mails the first night he ran a story about the election irregularities, whether there was fraud or not is yet to be proven but it is an irrefutable fact that irregularities were rampant. There is another thread already adressing this issue.

I love how you guys squeal like little piggies when your right-wing corporate media bows to preesure from progressives and actually starts telling the truth.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 10:09 pm

Beyond "conspiracy theories," election irregularities get scant media attention

On November 9, the Los Angeles Times reported a voting irregularity during the November 2 presidential election in Youngstown, Ohio, where equipment initially recorded a negative 25 million votes for one precinct. In the 24 hours following the story's appearance, only one television news show -- MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann -- mentioned the incident.

Though articles about the prevalence of Internet-based "conspiracy theories" regarding voting irregularities have appeared in several major newspapers -- including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe -- these articles focused on general speculation about voter fraud rather than on the voting irregularities that actually occurred. Media Matters for America previously noted the failure of most television and cable news networks to report on the glitch in one suburban Ohio town's electronic voting system that resulted in 3,893 extra votes for President George W. Bush; the three media outlets cited above did cite that glitch as an incident that has fueled speculation about vote fraud, but each ignored the negative-25-million-vote episode and other irregularities.

National Public Radio Washington correspondent Pam Fessler touched on "the minus-25 million votes that showed up on a cartridge in one Ohio precinct" in her November 12 report on electronic voting irregularities on NPR's Morning Edition. Fessler also recounted the story of an Ohio voter who "pressed the box for John Kerry" and was forced to seek assistance from a poll worker when the machine indicated a vote for Bush. Fessler noted that the voter "worries about all those who didn't get such help" and that, "
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2004 11:11 pm
Harper wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Well, ok Tico. I think that his show is generally humorous and not meant as a 'headline news' sort of serious news anchor bit. It's also not a talk show like Hume's or (someone brought up) McEnroe and Miller.

But I just went back and looked at the transcripts, and while it's clear that he is giving voting irregularities a lot of coverage, it is not clear (as you and the fascist party doll seem to believe) that he is espousing the idea that the election was stolen. And election irregularities are worthy of coverage, in my opinion.

Very Happy

Okay, FD. I'll admit I truly don't know for a fact the motivation for why he's devoted so much time and focus to the issue of "election irregularities." Perhaps I'm reading too much into the fact that it's been his lead story for three nights in a row ....

... but if that's his lead story tonight .... Rolling Eyes

Olbermann received a thousand e-mails the first night he ran a story about the election irregularities, whether there was fraud or not is yet to be proven but it is an irrefutable fact that irregularities were rampant. There is another thread already adressing this issue.

I love how you guys squeal like little piggies when your right-wing corporate media bows to preesure from progressives and actually starts telling the truth.

No doubt he got an email from you and 999 of your kooky friends. I'm not sure what viewership Countdown gets, but that is that an email from every viewer? Does 1,000 sound like a lot to you for a national cable news show to get?

But what a wonderful little fantasy you have that the US media is actually "right wing" when in reality most of the rest of the country acknowledges it is biased to the left. Do you really believe Keith Olbermann is "right wing"?

There's a reason only one television news show mentioned the incident ... it's a story that smacks of kooky conspiracy theory. These types of bizarre theories are best left to kooky little websites, links to which I'm sure are sitting in your "Favorites" list as I type this, but not on real news shows. Apparently, though, it belongs on Countdown.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 04:09 am
Baldimo wrote:
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
too bad they don't burn witches anymore...

The oh so tolerent left. Laughing

baldi, dude, you keep confusing me for some far left, uber-pacifist, crystal waver. (though i certainly believe in their right to exist. unlike some i could mention...).

what you don't get is that i do not and will not toe anybody's party line. not the republican's, not the democrat's. ****

wanna talk about tolerance? your fave right wing harpie, ms. ann coulter, proclaims that "all liberals are traitors".

hah. haven't seen "g.i.jane" trading in her cashmere and pearls for camies lately. have you? no. you haven't.

it's real easy for someone to sit their well fed ass down in the barca lounger and screech " bring it on" or "go kill them ragheads, boys!!". and if that person happens to rake in a $hitload of cash doing it? well, it's okay, as long as you agree with the rap their bringin'...

tolerance?? get a grip.

**** edited by dtom, due to grouser's remorse
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 06:59 am
Tico posted:


No doubt he got an email from you and 999 of your kooky friends. I'm not sure what viewership Countdown gets, but that is that an email from every viewer? Does 1,000 sound like a lot to you for a national cable news show to get?

But what a wonderful little fantasy you have that the US media is actually "right wing" when in reality most of the rest of the country acknowledges it is biased to the left. Do you really believe Keith Olbermann is "right wing"?

First of all, the reference to my kooky friends is a personal attack and a TOS violation but I will let it go this time.

1000 e-mails is an enormous amount for a cable show like this. There is a formula that every e-mail received represents x number of households. The US Corporate Media definitely titlts to the right, the fact that the right has been brainwashing the public for 30 years that the media is liberal doesn't make it true. (Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it) I never said the Olbermann or every talking head on TV is a conservative. I don't know what Olbermann's leanings are, my guess is moderate left -leaning. The media overall, TV, Radio, print, internet definitely leans to the right and has for several years now.

My perception is that most media people, the majority anyway, are liberal in their own beleifs, but they are held in check by the corporate interests above them. Olbermann wanted to have Bev Harris as a guest and was apparently overruled. Then, of course, there are media outlets such as Fox News, the New York Post, and the Washington Times who are not nuch more than propaganda purveyors for the Republicans. (Did anyone see the NY Post front page the other day glorifying the Marlboro Man Soldier?)

Here is more from mediamatters.org


Beyond "conspiracy theories," election irregularities get scant media attention

On November 9, the Los Angeles Times reported a voting irregularity during the November 2 presidential election in Youngstown, Ohio, where equipment initially recorded a negative 25 million votes for one precinct. In the 24 hours following the story's appearance, only one television news show -- MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann -- mentioned the incident.

Though articles about the prevalence of Internet-based "conspiracy theories" regarding voting irregularities have appeared in several major newspapers -- including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe -- these articles focused on general speculation about voter fraud rather than on the voting irregularities that actually occurred. Media Matters for America previously noted the failure of most television and cable news networks to report on the glitch in one suburban Ohio town's electronic voting system that resulted in 3,893 extra votes for President George W. Bush; the three media outlets cited above did cite that glitch as an incident that has fueled speculation about vote fraud, but each ignored the negative-25-million-vote episode and other irregularities.

National Public Radio Washington correspondent Pam Fessler touched on "the minus-25 million votes that showed up on a cartridge in one Ohio precinct" in her November 12 report on electronic voting irregularities on NPR's Morning Edition. Fessler also recounted the story of an Ohio voter who "pressed the box for John Kerry" and was forced to seek assistance from a poll worker when the machine indicated a vote for Bush. Fessler noted that the voter "worries about all those who didn't get such help" and that, "n fact, there were dozens of reports last week about voters pressing one candidate's name on an electronic touch-screen machine and having another name recorded."

In her November 12 column in The Washington Post, titled "Worst Voter Error Is Apathy Toward Irregularities," columnist Donna Britt outlined how newsworthy reports of voting irregularities have been largely ignored by the media:

[T]he much-publicized voting-machine error that gave Bush 4,258 votes in an Ohio precinct where only 638 people cast ballots preceded a flood of disturbing reports, ranging from the Florida voting machine that counted backward to the North Carolina computer that eliminated votes. ... Much of the media dismisses anxiety over such irregularities as grousing by poor-loser Democrats, rabid conspiracy theorists and pouters frustrated by Kerry's lightning-quick concession. ... The point isn't just which candidate won or lost. It's that we all lose when we ignore that thousands of Americans might have been discouraged or prevented from voting, or not had their votes count.

And on the November 9 edition of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, host Olbermann asked Congressional Quarterly columnist and MSNBC political analyst Craig Crawford if "every news organization [gave] up on this story the moment John Kerry conceded the election?" Crawford offered this perspective:

The glib answer, which is part of the truth, is I think everybody was tired after that election. And it was a grueling one. And so, since John Kerry -- and this is the second factor -- since John Kerry conceded, then there wasn't the great desire to run out to Columbus or wherever and try to figure this stuff out. And the concession is the key, because we're often wimps in the media. And we wait for other people to make charges, one political party or another, and then we investigate it. But this is the time to do this. There's still time before the results are certified. It doesn't mean it will change the outcome, but it is good, and I congratulate you for looking at some of these irregularities.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 03:22 pm
Harper wrote:
First of all, the reference to my kooky friends is a personal attack and a TOS violation but I will let it go this time.

Well, I'll admit it was a bit strong, and to being out of character for saying as much, but I do think it was more an attack on the calibre of your friends than an attack on you. But do you really think your comparing me and my compadres to "squealing little piggies" is above reproach?

Harper wrote:
1000 e-mails is an enormous amount for a cable show like this. There is a formula that every e-mail received represents x number of households. The US Corporate Media definitely titlts to the right, the fact that the right has been brainwashing the public for 30 years that the media is liberal doesn't make it true. (Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it) I never said the Olbermann or every talking head on TV is a conservative. I don't know what Olbermann's leanings are, my guess is moderate left -leaning. The media overall, TV, Radio, print, internet definitely leans to the right and has for several years now.

You are probably correct when you say radio tilts right. I've no idea about "Internet" media, but television and print media is liberal. But let me ask you: which of the major TV (broadcast or cable) networks do you consider conservative? (Good luck.) Which major metros?

I'd suggest that the three you identified (Fox news, NY Post, & Wash Times) could be considered conservative. (Do you have any others on your list?)

What do you find particularly despicable about an image of a soldier fighting for his country?

And in response to your new cut & pastes:


I know you've seen these. I doubt you've read them ....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 03:36 pm
Saying my friends are kooky is most certainly a personal attack and, technically libel. Do you personally know any of my friends?

"Squealing like little piggies" characterizes what someone says, that is not a personal attack. Besides that, it is directed at a nebulous group not at an individual.

The New York Times is a corporate conservative shill. How they cheerled the country into War with Iraq is unconscionable. There are a few progessive voices but the media overall is titlted to the right.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2004 11:42 pm
Harper wrote:
"The New York Times is a corporate conservative shill. How they cheerled the country into War with Iraq is unconscionable. There are a few progessive voices but the media overall is titlted to the right."

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 12:08 am
Harper wrote:
Saying my friends are kooky is most certainly a personal attack and, technically libel. Do you personally know any of my friends?

No, to my knowledge I don't know any of your friends. I'm sorry if I offended you by calling your friends kooky. It's not libel, though.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:34 am
Harper wrote:

Beyond "conspiracy theories," election irregularities get scant media attention

That's generally because liberals control both the irregularities and the media...
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:35 am
If the liberals controlled the media, we wouldn't have Ann Coulter anywhere near a microphone.
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:36 am
Harper wrote:

There are a few progessive voices but the media overall is titlted to the right.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:37 am
Nothing uglier than a gloating snake.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:37 am
Piffka wrote:
If the liberals controlled the media, we wouldn't have Ann Coulter anywhere near a microphone.

I (obviously) meant the OLD/mainstream media...
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