I mistrust me that Squiggle -
Though he's not very big
'E'll be mean and quite cruel
And make you feel a fool -
And show his big teeth
And he'll mutter beneath
His squiggly breath
'Til you're begging for death!
(Don't ask me - i can't stop it!)
dlowan wrote:I mistrust me that Squiggle -
Though he's not very big
'E'll be mean and quite cruel
And make you feel a fool -
And show his big teeth
And he'll mutter beneath
His squiggly breath
'Til you're begging for death!
I distrust rhyming bunnies....
A WOLF distrusts a BUNNY????
I've got to get off of this thread. I'm not all that distrusting of a2ker's. We show our spots, if we post a bit.
Even Gus.
Its all in fun, Osso ... we just be foolin' around.
Never trust a mouse with a chainsaw who says he's just kiddin'!!!
dlowan: Ástralíubúi kanína (biol.)
A chain smoking female wabbit from down-under, who becomes meaner than a mean she-wolf when provoked (the provocation may be minimal; the answer will be ferocious). Verrry distrustable.
But thanks, anyway, for the oh so false lyrics and a key piece of data: the nature of nimh's avatar. Until now, I had not understood what it was.
"We just be foolin' around", said Scrat to ossobuco, echoing nimh.
The fact that I distrust you, doesn't mean I don't trust you, osso.
(God, do I distrust my contradictory self!)
I distrust people who post daft comments in order to put peculiar posts at the top of the list.
It be a rat I tell ya not a mousy
A mouse-coloured rat...?
It doesn't fit.
I distrust your previous asumption, nimh.
A mousey is a mousey is a mousey...
They can do a lot of things in laboratories, fbauzer. Teaching ratties to become addicted to hair dye or pills is the least of them.
I be not a mousy!
ggrrrr.... <bares very ratty teeth>
Odd Socks wrote:They can do a lot of things in laboratories, fbauzer. Teaching ratties to become addicted to hair dye or pills is the least of them.
OK you win the post of the day prize. Yep, addicted to hair dye and pills, that was me. Man, you must have followed this board closely!
I read every third word closely.
<bites Odd Socks>
<makes face>