Mon 8 Nov, 2004 01:48 pm
Today I woke up full of distrust.
I came to A2K and noticed that, while I like most of the posters, I also distrust them.
I distrust Craven de Kere.
Craven de Kere knows a lot about computers.
I distrust people who know a lot about computers.
If they're young. I distrust them even more.
Craven de Kere built this site.
He has access to the server. I don't.
I distrust that.
I distrust dlowan.
dlowan writes a lot of posts.
How does she find the time?
I distrust that.
dlowan comes from Australia.
In Australia they sell maps where Australia is at the top and Iceland is at the bottom. Those maps are against nature.
I distrust people who sell unnatural maps.
dlowan's avatar is a smoking bunny.
dlowan doesn't smoke, or so she says.
I distrust people whose avatar doesn't reflect their personality.
(that's why Gustav Ratzenhofer is one of the few people on A2K I do trust).
I also distrust people who digress. What are they trying to hide?
Who do YOU distrust in A2K?
I assume that everybody on the internet is always completely honest. Maybe I'm naive. As for the avatar, it is a political statement, not a comment on my cooking as a professional.
I distrust cjhsa.
He's an American and likes footie. I distrust that.
(I mean it's okay to dislike baseball or American football, but in that case you must like a true sport like handball).
He runs squirrels in his vehicle, and hunts them.
I certainly distrust that.
I distrust Fealola and Bree.
They're always in the words game boards. They don't REALLY want to interact.
I think they're shy.
I distrust shy people, specially those who play with words.
I distrust Lightwizard.
He likes indie films, films that have been approved by the critics.
Critics approve Icelandic films, which are a bore.
I bet Lightwizards likes Icelandic films (or would like them). That makes him highly untrustable.
I won't say whom I distrust (I'm with you, Montana), but the person that I would trust the most is a member that I really know nothing about............that old scalawag, Ratzenhofer!
I distrust Cicerone Imposter.
He looks Oriental. He's rich. He travels a lot.
I've often wondered if he's some sort of secret agent.
I distrust littlek.
No one can really be that nice.
I bet Dagmaraka distrusts her, too, but is so afraid of her she will deny it.
I distrust cavfancier.
As I said, I distrust all people who like to play with words.
I distrust cooks, chefs and the like. They may poison me.
And I distrust funny people. Laughter can be hazardous to your health.
Yes Phoenix, ol' Gustav is certainly trustworthy.
But I distrust Diane and dyslexia.
I distrust people who fall in love after meeting through the internet.
I distrust people who actually live together after meeting via the internet.
And (strictly for dyslexia) I distrust people with high leather boots.
I distrust Montana.
She looks too much like Gezzy.
Or is it Gezzy I should distrust?
To avoid cognitive interferance, I'll better distrust both of 'em.
Those are not boots. They are leggins. L-E-G-G-I-N-S. LEGGINS!
Otherwise, I know what you mean about them others, 'specially littlek.
Moi, Laeknir Scrat, if that's your real name? When have I ever played with wurds? I know nobody associated with the 'Worldnet User's Reference Desk.'
I was once told by a wise old man to never trust a pipe smoker or a man with a full beard... I forget why though.
I distrust Bi-Polar Bear... most of the time.
I distrust rockers on leather or snake pants.
I distrust rockers who once looked GLAM. Very much.
If he's on weed, I trust him; but I never know for certain if he's on weed.
I sure as hell think that, deep down in her self, squinney distrusts him too (BUT SHE WON'T ADMIT IT!)
I distrust Child of the Light.
I distrust dudes with boobs. Even avatar boobs.
I distrust OCCOM BILL.
I distrust all people who say they quit smoking.
I bet he's chomping a cigar right now.
dear cav (AKA Pun man):
Læknir means "Doctor" in Icelandic.
Skrat, in Icelandic, meand register, nomenklatura, list. (A list of words, is intended).
Scrat is the cartoon character, as you all know.
But cav, I do read through this forum(s).
And now you're playing serious.
I distrust that.
I distrust jpinmilwaukee.
I distrust people who forget the whys of wise popular sayings.
Besides, I don't know if he's telling me off in his sign language avatar.
Sometimes I think he's telling me the same thing Ronald McDonald tells me in cavfancier's avatar.
I really really distrust that.
i distrust people who spell out their distrust of everyone...
I can't think of anything to say, dammit!
Except - never trust a damned squiggle.
Speaking of squiggles - I don't trust the squiggle when he says what "scrat" means - I think scrat is either the scat done by squiggles when they are fleeing after performing some act of unnatural evil upon a bird feeder, and are caught at their knavish tricks
it is the past tense of the verb "to scribe."
"When he looked at what he had scrat on the beautiful parchment, he was very chuffed."
I trust Laeknir Scrat.
I trust an avatar who's eyes are popping out it's head. It is a sign of intelligence.
I trust people who live further north than I because they are wise.
I distrust doctors however.
I distrust my self because I am confused.
Seed wrote:i distrust people who spell out their distrust of everyone...
I distrust people who understand the game.
I distrust people who don't capitalize the "I".