i distrust people who take the time to capitalize the "i"
i distrust people who take the time of think about capital letters
Læknir Scrat wrote:I distrust jpinmilwaukee.
I distrust people who forget the whys of wise popular sayings.
Besides, I don't know if he's telling me off in his sign language avatar.
Sometimes I think he's telling me the same thing Ronald McDonald tells me in cavfancier's avatar.
I really really distrust that.
You should distrust me... it isn't a coincedence that you seem to distrust people that I have made an avatar for...
i distrust people with fewer post then me but have been memebers longer
shows that they lurk in the shadows
that in itself is distrust-worthy
I distrust people who think I don't remember that "Laeknir" means "doctor" in Icelandic. Bjork and I share a dermatologist. His name is Laeknir Hugtakasafn. Maybe you know him.
i just assume that you all live in jail
I distrust everyone who quotes what others have said.
ehbeth you know im your prison bit*h
I trust Grand Duke... sort of.
I trust people who realize certain superiorities.
I trust sheepishly looking avatars.
BUT I distrust people who root for Middlesborough, Sheffield Wednesday or any other sub-par English footie team.
I distrust people who distrust doctors. Even wuack doctors.
I distrust people who ask my generals.
I also distrust people who make distrustable avatars.
It also means they know lots about computing.
Verily verily I distrust that.
Laeknir Scrat, Dys not only wears leggings, he also wears a Stetson. I think a hooker tried to come on to him in New York City because of his cowboy look.
Usually, cowboys are very trustworthy as long as they are real cowboys and Dys is for real. I, on the other hand, I may appear to be sweet and soft but I can really be a cold-hearted bit*h and only those who know me well know enough to keep their distance.
So far, I think your instincts are spot on. Most of these characters are great fun but totally untrustworthy (which is why they are so much fun).
I generally trust people that like Team Handball so that would mean that I trust Laeknir.
However, I deeply distrust people that live in countries with 20 times smaller population then Croatia.
I mean, 20 times less then CROATIA!
They must be some strange cult.
You have to distrust cult people.
I also distrust Craven and I think he is project. A bot or something.
Oh, and I definitely distrust people from cat forums. I'm sure they would stole my milk to feed the cats....
Oh My (OwnUserName), long time no see!
I distrust people that believe they see me through computer

I distrust anyone who types in default font, therefore, I distrust myself as much as anyone.
Oh, and I can see you through my computer. You posted photos of yourself in the gallery.
and they were funny. thanks cav:)
Seed wrote:and they were funny. thanks cav:)
Not nearly as funny as yours, or mine.

I am happy to see M.O.U.N. back here.
i would be if we had talked but we havnt... maybe now that MOUN is back we can .....
I distrust unknown people that want to talk with me or offering me candies
i dont want to talk to you, i want to write to you.
I distrust people that don't want to talk to me