Wed 3 May, 2017 11:56 am
Infinity Road
last night I dreamt about a most beautiful place
infinities of eternal and infinite space
some call it heaven where you dwell
really it is just your love bringing down this perfect spell
we awoke at early dawn to see
all the beauty of the infinite sea
each body began to filled with new life
and we thank for an expected day without strife
at early dawn of a new day we all prayed
for this eternal day that only you made
we awoke this morning full of joy and faith
because last night we dreamt about a most beautiful place
far from this worlds rush and madding pace
oh! father, lord and beautiful god of love
you give us hope to praise to you above
in sweet content out of a night of joyful sleep
we know that because of you today we need not weep
In thankful joy we awoke full of life and health
now by this we all know real true eternal wealth
we rose and went outside and saw the last star
just a hands reach and not really far
a brief moment before the golden sun began to rise high
the bluest colour began to fill the sky
thankful wonder for all of us with security and his peace on high
deep within each hearts we knew we all seek kept
such wonder at your world of beauty we yawned
in the crisp light of early dawn
counting the nights and yesterdays many blessings
we go outside with deep and awed singing
in this sublime sweet moment of morning dew
each crisp breath we thankfully know comes from you
already internal infinite a little like you
all take hands now and in this moment sublime grace
we live in peace and glorious magnificent timeless place
Death where is your sting
lord will we live again my poem to you (Alan McDougall 2001)
as I approach the infinite long dark night
resist and resist it with all my might
I try and try to comprehend this end
to which all men must descend
is it a sleep that all must take?
or is it an eternal end that all must make?
I like to dream of awakening in light not dark
in a beautiful place to which all righteous men depart
do we sleep the sleep of forever?
or do we awake some other place together?
does the answer to this ultimate question
remain forever a process of eternal redemption?
on one glorious day from timeless sleep I awoke
and heard a beautiful and kind voice that sweetly spoke
my faithful son at last you have became to understand
exactly your place in this troubled land
you my beloved have truly never ceased to seek
the infinite destiny that in eternity for you I keep
so for you and your family no eternal death awaits
because of your zeal to know your fate
soon I will bring you all to this most holy place
and there I will you never forsake
very soon, you shall hear a sweet call in the dark of night
come, come into the holy glory of the father spirit of mighty might
I walk in the cool of evening along sweet meadows I have never seen
I smell the beauty of grasses that have never been
strange golden streams of crystal waterfowls
as blue glory of mighty skies above glows
I search the long forgotten memories in the attic of my mind
along the twisted channels the very depth soul that I could not find
I see before me things so wonderful I knew from long ago
I puzzle over the enigma of knowing what I do not know
out there far beyond the knowledge of any man is revealed
something of such great mystery to it my heart had appealed
why have I on this one thing so many years stalled?
is this infinite knowledge from many man would be appalled?
walking on through the shade of great trees that give eternal life
I hear the sweet forgotten voice that comes to free all from everlasting strife
high green new grasses in this new do land grow
as transparent waters chuckle dance, sparkle, and flow
Alan (composed 16/2/2005)
Emmanuel’s Light
A poem by Alan McDougall 2001
Come fly towards majestic Orion with me
At great speed to our majestic god we flee
Through a wide river at last we fly
Reaching out to a great light beyond the sky
Towards the sides of the north nearer and nearer we flew
Arrayed in spotless white robes given to you
Across a vast space of infinite night
Together clothed in glory we continued our flight
Oh great heavenly cavern so measureless to man
See before majestic Emmanuel gather all who can
By mighty angels through glorious clouds we are driven
Closer and closer to gods mighty throne in the midst of heaven
At last to those mighty gates of heaven we came
Baptized by El Shaddias light all were the same
In joyful luminous glory all creation did sing
By that stupendous realm of the holy king
A mighty voice shook all creation and rang through the air
Saying loud gather all around great EL Shaddais colossal chair
Look at god’s right a wonder is seen to rise
“Oh my beloved son at last I can give you your PRIZE”
Bathed in beautiful grandeur of the one who had atoned
Countless multitudes stood quiet before Emmanuel enthroned
Joyfully before Emmanuel at last
Faces glowing by lakes colored by golden riven glass
Rejoicing at a life that would now never pass
Through a wide river at last we fly
Reaching out to a great light beyond the sky
Towards the sides of the north nearer and nearer we flew
Arrayed in spotless white robes given to you
Across a vast space of infinite night
Together clothed in glory we continued our flight
Oh great heavenly cavern so measureless to man
See before majestic Emmanuel gather all who can
By mighty angels through glorious clouds we are driven
Closer and closer to gods mighty throne in the midst of heaven
At last to those mighty gates of heaven we came
Baptized by El Shaddias light all were the same
In joyful luminous glory all creation did sing
By that stupendous realm of the holy king
A mighty voice shook all creation and rang through the air
Saying loud gather all around great EL Shaddais colossal chair
Look at god’s right a wonder is seen to rise
“Oh my beloved son at last I can give you your prize”
Bathed in beautiful grandeur of the one who had atoned
Countless multitudes stood quiet before Emmanuel enthroned
Joyfully before Emmanuel at last
Faces glowing by lakes colored by golden river glass
Rejoicing at a life that will never pass.