Quote:where are you going?
Penn, God knows. I wonder if you can recommend a sci/philo/psyche site
Quote:i hope things are well with you.
Thank you Penn. All is indeed well with me except in maybe one minor regards. I thank my pantheistic God everyday tho, I can still see, hear, walk, taste, and almost think
Quote:i should've been clearer.
It's difficult. Alla time I find I do things , abbr, curtail, etc to where the esl can't 'stand me, and often the Engl Expt
Quote:1 and 2 are examples with two or in the case of example 2, three options each
Quite obvious now and I shoulda realized it.
in (1) I still like to delete the 'what;' but in (2) I note subtle diffs. I'll think about it
...tho in (2) I definitely pref (a)
On nother subj emtrel;y, doesn't the jumpin' up and down at the bottom of the ed. window bother ya. For 18 yrs it's been drivin' me nutty