Wed 5 Feb, 2003 12:20 pm
Can anybody give me a date for this work and an analysis reference ?
I enclose a link to the text if you would like to offer your own thoughts.
I've looked around a little, but can't get an exact date (apparently between the late 50's and early 60's, which you must surely know).
You might try posting this question to the reference forum.
However, I did find a cool poem by him which I thought I'd provide to the rest of the Poetry forum...
Crow's Theology
C row realized God loved him-
Otherwise, he would have dropped dead.
So that was proved.
Crow reclined, marvelling, on his heart-beat.
And he realized that God spoke Crow-
Just existing was His revelation.
But what Loved the stones and spoke stone?
They seemed to exist too.
And what spoke that strange silence
After his clamour of caws faded?
And what loved the shot-pellets
That dribbled from those strung-up mummifying crows?
What spoke the silence of lead?
Crow realized there were two Gods-
One of them much bigger than the other
Loving his enemies
And having all the weapons.
Thanks for that. Hughes was into Shamanism and Cabala, but also had a form of poetic dialogue with Sylvia Plath his wife who had a Holocaust fixation. I am trying to establish whether the latter half of Gnat Psalm is directed to Plath. So the date matters because she committed suicide in 1963.
Hmmm, well I found a lot of information on Google when I typed Ted Hughes Gnat. If you absolutely need to know, a university in Indiana seems to have several of his papers from that era.