Op Ed, Victorville, Ca Daily Press
Herewith I thank God and the Daily Press; to God for letting me live so long and as an introverted and compulsive Letters Writer, to Daily Press for the opportunity, such as this, to express myself in these Op pages; as well as my Better Half Laverne for taking such good care of me. I respond to the occasional "How are you?" by observing, "I am the happiest 86-year-old in The Universe." You will note I cap. "Universe" 'cause I'm also a pantheist.
Thanks lso to a2k for running my tedious tomes. To
TAT: You don't hafta read the following, I won't be offended
For instance, thanks to award-winning Daily Press this morning April 20 for the front-page "Fox News fires mainstay Bill O'Reilly," where "…following allegations of sexual harassment….the same day he was….in Rome shaking the hand of Pope Francis." So thank you Press, for a 5-minute guffaw that will sustain me still another week.
Thanks also for the regular "Give Blood" notices. Feeling guilty about such a fine existence, almost an entire lifetime still between nuclear wars, not yet so overpopulated that we're all sick and starving; while many fatal diseases can now be cured: I've donated blood in a sort of thanks and would like to do it again. However, the process gets so complicated for an old guy that I hope you can simplify it. More later, but presently yardwork calls.
Of course all is not is well everywhere, affording a chance to explain what I mean by my apodictical existential pantheism. The same day we note, "Pilot error blamed for fatal U2 spy plane crash" which "…forced him and an instructor to eject…killing the instructor,…" which could be interpreted as God's way of advising the instructor's teaching crew that one ought not teach pullup too early in the course. As for my BH, I am astounded to report that she takes such good care of me that I get very few chores at all. Except however, I'm still very adept at carrying heavy objects!
I do have one grief with God, though. Guy, you've got to somehow advise all the Software Supers that they've got to hire better programmers for their editing routines, that seem to get sillier and sillier. With the last mod my Letter here under composure can't easily be moved across the screen or changed in size--so I can't see the whole page at once, while Mailbox in the background is faded out so I can't quickly return that page for a quick ref. without learning a number of new and not-so-obvious editing routines. And when will you ever learn that "isd" is a misspelling of "is" ? Can't you see how close the "d" to the "s" ?
[…And for Your Sake, a
black cursor on the
darkened screen ??]
[Oh and God, about "apodictical, existential…," I use the two adj.'s so as to sound more impressive. As it turns out however, they're pertinent, making us pantheists' view of God more palatable: the first interpreted as meanin' obvious, or "…the nature of necessary truth," and the second, "…grounded in existence…having being...radically free..understandable in scientific terms….free of anxiety….guilt…"
Thanks, God, you make me out as smarter (and more innocent?) than I am. Oh incidentally, about the Software Sillies' hiring instructions: That's an IQ higher, not lower than 63….]
….and they must learn to touch-type.
Dale Hileman
Apple Valley
Hi Steve & Todd, yes they get too long sometimes. Maybe this'n could be divided into two, but it does seem to hang together…. somehow