Thu 20 Apr, 2017 12:29 pm
1) the activities that are best suited to the students' unique interests are...
2) the activities best suited to the students' unique interests are...
1) in implementing activities that are supposed to prompt engagement, one must think about...
2) in implementing activities supposed to prompt engagement, one must think about...
In the first, choice 2, in the second, choice 1.
(at least to my ears and eyes)
Using "that are" as shown in example (1) of each pair is more formal, and I would choose that if the situation demanded it, but I would not say it is "better".
Quote:Using "that are" as shown in example (1) of each pair is more formal,
I don't fully agree with that assessment, Centrox. The zero relativizer shows up quite often in fiction, academic prose and news.