That's a good practice to live by paulaj. Keeps your bloodpressure in check too, not to mention lowering that stroke potential! :wink:
That's exactly what it does.
I'll second that, paulaj. The only time I really went for paybacks, I made myself quite ill. It really wasn't worth it.
cavfancier wrote:I once wanted to exact revenge on an ex-girlfriend, and in the heat of anger, I had some ideas like shewolf seems to have thought about, but then I had a brainstorm. I thought that in a show of good faith, I would sign over all my credit cards to her, and of course forget to mention they were all in 3rd party collection. I would of course, immediately contact the collectors, give them her number, and say she would be taking care of the debt now. Then I would make an anonymous call to the tax department and suggest that they may want to audit her and her entire family, because I was an insider, and knew something fishy was going on. Yeah, that would have been the ticket....Instead, I chose to just move on with my life and sleep with her best friend.
And now I bow to the God of revenge...

I didnt think you had it in ya Cav!!!
Can i ask for some advice when I need it???