My perception of Almighty God, does it concur with yours?

Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 03:30 am

Genesis of the Eternal God

By Alan McDougall

Existence -was -Existence-is -Existence-will be.

Within the writhing cosmic cloud of magnetic flux energy, that the always was, it took on new form, evolved and coalesced again into a dense oneness of primordial glowing energy, which is and was and will be, the primordial source that moves between the everlasting cycle of order to chaos and chaos back to order.

It became thought.

Within a Timeless zone before existence came to be, a pool of infinite pure thought it held within it all the hopes, dreams,  for creating new order within the realms of existence and reality and these immense waves of pure magnetic thought gradually coalesced and a mighty sentient consciousness emerged out of previous chaos.

It knew itself and called itself contemplated and said to itself I am who I say I am.

Back before anything was conceived, I am Infinite pure "mind" and "thought" there is no dark only light within my infinite domain, so I moved upon the great void of dark I created and said "let there be" light' and there was light. From the light came love and life.

I experienced time only in my dreams and the cup of my dreams ran over as do rivers that overflow their banks. I dreamed infinity of dreams in the first instant, and infinity multiplied by infinity out from the timeless zone of now. I thought and created the programs and processes of all possibilities in one awesome moment.

I awoke and thought the first creative thoughts within my infinitely primordial mind and out of the realm of previous chaos I began to recreate outside the absolute timeless realm and started the first realities based on new planes realms dimensions and textures and set the linear clocks of time to run forever.

Now I became aware of infinite potential within vast unploughed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of Radiant Light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence, before the timeless moment of creation.

I walked down the road of forever and sat down on the throne of infinity. I am the light being and my everlasting purpose is to create and cause existence, I am both nothing and everything I am the light that dispels the dark. 

I evolved into spirit and in agony twisted boiled dissolved reformed writhed and shook before existence or creation were and began to organize itself into a mighty being of thought and infinite intelligence. 

I grew out of nothingness by my own will, before anything was and with the mobility of its original thoughts and will created all that ever was, all that is, and all that will ever be.

As spirit I drifted ever in and out of awareness and within the fluxes of thought out of my mind of pure energy. I tossed out the foams of singularities started the flow of time and withdrew into myself outside time or space and sustaining creation as a static force of infinite power.

At the moment of the thundering dawn of creation, I sent out the primordial heat and energy to light up the universes for the seeds of life to be planted within them. I waited and watched my creation grow and expanded and this filled my being with joy and satisfaction and I knew my workmanship had been good.

After my creative event at the dawn of existence I withdrew of myself to allow for the void to come into existence and great incandescence's blazed outwards as I set entropy and time into motion.

Polarities separated and the sons of light and the sons of dark flew apart and set up the tension enmity between good and evil forever. A deep and infinite chasm came between my perfect and the depravity of the terrible one, who served only himself and love and hate were came to be. 

I separated existence and withdrew myself into everlasting light and let it, the evil one exist in its darkness.

The opposing forces split the chasm light blazed to banish the dark and the dark flowed like evil tar to blot out the light forever.

I experienced time only in my dreams said God. God first dreamed. The cup of dreams ran over like unto rivers that overflow their banks. For God dreamed Infinity of dreams in an instant, and the Infinity multiplied by infinity for an Eternity created all possibilities in one awesome now. It was the Realm of Chaos. I began to create outside the Absolute Realm and started the first realities based on dimensions and textures. 

There was no cause to my existence I simply, existed forever in the glory of my light. Having no Cause I am therefore both the effect and affect and maker of everything. 

On the panorama of bleak blackness," I am" "The Absolute", sowing seeds of universal radiant energy. Reality is the gem of my creation and the beauty of my achievement. I am he who lives, forever and forever, I illuminated the darkness with beams of dazzling light, radiant and translucent glory to share it with those who love me. 

My acts of creation were the first event of my purpose reason for my existence. I formulate everything in the thoughts of my Mind and knew the first numbers and called them "Zero" and "One", With these primordial simplicities and realities of the fundamentals, "I made everything".

I took these first fundamentals and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam where before there was but nothing. I am the Almighty One. If you are wise, do just one thing respect me for I am The Lord of creation and reason you exist?

I am the great Infinite Ocean that contains all things.

I sang the songs of creation and the new universe began to vibrate with countless frequencies of light, glory translucent and everlasting with the vibrations of the song of existence. The singer sang the song, the painter the painting, the creator the creation. 

The universe then began to weave, dance, and vibrate flux and vortex into one colossal maelstrom, spiral in perfect order from the mind of the eternal one The Universe danced and sang with joy. The dancer danced and sang along with his new creation.

I am life giver. Back before anything was conceived , I am Infinite pure "mind" and "thought" there is no dark only light within my infinite domain, so I moved upon the great void of dark and said "let there be" light' and there was light.

I am life which the Lord created in the beginning of his works, before all else, when he set the heavens in their place, I was there, before he made the earth, I was his darling child and played the creation game, in eternal joy with him. I was his craftsman and his companion and delight. Wisdom and word is my name and I was with him before all creation. He is the ancient of days and I am his life and wisdom. 

We together created mighty super-strings and weaved them together with colossal strands of energetic light colored in beautiful magnificent opalescence into the very fabric of reality and a new unimaginably beautiful universe was born in glory and delight.

What am I, I am who I say I am!

Any comments I tried to imagine how god came to be and avoid infinite regression?


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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 2,093 • Replies: 56
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 10:42 am
@Alan McDougall,

Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 12:27 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Al thank you for that excellent prof !! When I suggest one to others the TAT attack me mercilessly; just as they attack nearly anything atall. I shall copy your percep to Word and when I can find some time away from Toilet, Sleep, and Yardwork I fully intend to peruse it, and when and if understand, respond
Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 06:15 pm
Just because someone writes "by the acre" doesnt mean that it means anything. Try to dissect ALANs BS and see what youre left with. GdeG, thats what. I only attack that which richly deserves it. There are kids on this site who are continuing under an impression that they are learning something. I can guarantee you that the OP's "thesis" firmly resides within the thesophistry of Erwin Corey or Brother Dave Gardner.

Sorry, perhaps youre just easily impressed with writing that parallels the Congressional Record.
Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 06:19 pm
youre just easily impressed

Man I was thankin' him for his profile, which even you gotta admit is pretty impressive
Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 06:34 pm
farmerman wrote:


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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 06:35 pm
Gotta agree with farmerman. I could feel the warmth of cow dookie flowing around my boots, getting uncomfortably high.
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 12:48 am
Me too.
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Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 02:50 am
farmerman wrote:

Just because someone writes "by the acre" doesnt mean that it means anything. Try to dissect ALANs BS and see what youre left with. GdeG, thats what. I only attack that which richly deserves it. There are kids on this site who are continuing under an impression that they are learning something. I can guarantee you that the OP's "thesis" firmly resides within the thesophistry of Erwin Corey or Brother Dave Gardner.

Sorry, perhaps youre just easily impressed with writing that parallels the Congressional Record.

While you say my post, which source is my imagination, or BS maybe you can do something better which I shall await with bated breath
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 03:45 am
dalehileman wrote:

youre just easily impressed

Man I was thankin' him for his profile, which even you gotta admit is pretty impressive

Dale didn't you notice that "Alan's" most previous post was all the way back in 2014 as the most recent post until today? For one who is a stickler on profiles you definitely missed this bit of data. So what exactly do you see or look for in a profile?
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 03:49 am

It is against site policy to have multiple accounts. It wouldn't be wise to confess such a violation of this site's TOS. I only say this because Alan is a douche.
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 04:02 am
@Alan McDougall,
You seem to write , more in a spirit to impress, rather than tocommunicate with the simpler minds like mine.. Piling adjectives together and using "scientistic sounds" sends up "red flags" ofsome thing that hearkens back to my school days when the Brothers of the Society of Jesus would say
"If you cant express your thoughts in a fashion that is clearly and economically presented, perhaps you should work on the flaws in your understanding"

I was just watching a TV journal onKarl Reinhold Niebuhrr , and was amazed at how he labored to have his own writing be accessible and understood by his target audience. You jut happened to be the first riting Id seen after the program ended. My bad.

Who can forget Niebuhr's little bumper sticker."
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

Try to shrink your thoughts by , say, 1/3 and try to avoid sounding like the famous opening line of;"It was a dark and stormy night"

Over the A2k years, Ive seen many contributions like your opening shot. Its hard to takeem seriously because theres so much "poesy implied in your presentation skills"
As Peter Postelthwaite once said in a movie line,
"If I wanted bloody War and Peace, I woulda hired William Bloody Shakespeare" (The Shipping News)

Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 04:07 am
Well, perhaps I was just being an apologist for panspermia and wanted to spill my guts, Or NOT. Wink Wink
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 04:23 am
@Alan McDougall,
Prhaps you coulda said something like

"Pure Thought is as strong a physical force as any of the others and I strongly feel that , in the case of our Universe, Pure Thought drove all the others"
I think thats what you are focusing on. Interesting, sorta like "The Recipe drives us to the pie's existence"

It still defaults to a cosmic baker.

Maybe Im fucked up (I was never a fan of theosophy) or cumin, never saw any reasons for either
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 04:35 am
The ground of existence could never be any sort of mind. Thought is problem solving. The whole of Reality as a set doesn't nead any of it,
Even if we go for the lesser Gods and the simulation argument, the "creator" whatever his it computing power, is just another mice in the maze. Now if these guys swap from "thinking" to "processing", speaking within the limited frame of the "persistent illusion of time", then the talk could be more productive.
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 04:41 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
over my head dude, perhaps in an equation if you can.
I wasnt arguing anything he said, other than what I perceived how he said it. Thats all.

My "lesser gods" are busy in the kitchen right now.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 05:02 am
Just one remark, regarding the "persistent illusion of time". Where do you think space grows into ? If you want pull the 11 dimension string theory and Multiverse for an answer the problem persists. Where does it unfolds into ? Not actual nothingness, that much is sure. Its "future" is there already like changing from one radio station to the next...it has to be finite and probably a loop "Rubick's cube". Finite diversity of qualities, so it can be Rational.

Point is when you think about the nonsense of nothingness, your idea of Universal expansion in free form without a constrain of an already existent future looping around falls apart. You dont need any freaking equation to get that. Mathemathics at its top game, in case you forgot or didnt know, is philosophy of mathemathics.
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 05:21 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
ALL mathematics was first and foremost APPLIED. Even Mandelbrodt was interested in understanding patterns in such natural features s beach fronts, clouds, and forest canopies.
When we had a need to solve a problem or gain unerstanding of a system, math was always there . First we developed the "love apple" then we created tomato sauce, then someone created the first pizza

My own feelings are that , if you had a fire in a building containing a bunch of philosophers, noone would get out alive. Theyd all be too busy trying to understand the concept.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 05:22 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Of course, best counter for a finite rational looping Universe, with X finite qualities (atom combinations, its chemistry, and effects) that you could throw back at me is PI.
My gut feeling solution is that PI is rational at its last digit which means that it cannot be computed twice. That is repeated from within the power Set that reality itself is. You cannot compute PI from within but it must be finite, Rational, bounded exactly in its last digit, then it repeats and its the Pattern of the all Rubick's cube I am alluding to.
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 05:29 am
This is not debatable. I am not talking simple Maths here, and of course, Maths is about describing Reality. But in the frontier of Maths, mathematicians themselves debating stuff like if is PI rational or if there is an actual infinity, etc, well they themselves call it Philosophy of Maths. You are way misguided if you believed otherwise. I was not talking a bunch of senil old Philosophers (outsiders) debating Maths constrains. I was talking what mathematicians themselves admit is Philosophy of Maths in the fringe frontier of their knowledge. Problem is, you think/believe Philosophy is about the formal Cathedra and a bunch of fools talking ****, when in fact, Philosophy it is in every Science. You are simpleminded out of stubbornness sometimes.

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