Thu 30 Mar, 2017 12:36 pm
Open letter to Mgmt:
I had always used 'Thumbs Down' in 'My Posts," over the past 18 (12?) years having saved me many minutes, maybe hours, with of course apolos to all). However it just occurred to me: What if I used this habit also under 'New Topics' ! ??
Of course many OP'er's will become that much more discouraged by the assumption that these TD's represent some sorta crit, while the TAT's will immediately react, building up a 51/49 majority, arguing that this OP shun't be here, that I should copy it to 'Contact us.' Well, I have done that but with no luck
As I've said of course, it might just be, owing to that requirement of IQ isd being function of acceptance in the Software - Ed Ind (oh guys that's a misspelling of 'is,' can't you see how that can happen...)
So Mgmt, if you're there, maybe Jes? this issue is of the utmost importance to many ! But I will understand if the reuired software mode might be a bit too complex....
Oh and Jes while you're there: See if you can persuade 'em that cutting the Edit Window each time costs many of us many, many more hours....
Thank you Cen, again set me to the guffaw
Do you suppose TAT even understood the q
So convenient. Thanks for the tip.
You're SO welcome Cen
Sure does save time doesn't it
Yes. It means if I don't like a topic I never have to see it again.
Entro, that's also what I thought, but apparently the Software Stupids have outwitted us (or me anyhow): Somehow I've encountered returns. Though 'tmight'a 'cuz have been replies, but given my Alzie's I'm not sure. Will g'bakt'cha
Hey intro if you're esl my apolos, lemme know. If not, I'm wondering if mine above gave you any difficulty atall
It's my Alzie's. Seriously. Reading my own posting, I thought, 'Who the hell is Entro anyhow'
Cen apparently it comes back if someone else responds
Still Cen it sure does speed up checkin' your New Topics doesn't it
Apparently Mgmt doesn't care its effect upon the poor slobs who don't understand what we're doin'
dalehileman wrote:Cen apparently it comes back if someone else responds
Doesn't come back for me.
Quote:Doesn't come back for me.
Mebbe Ox it's my Alzie's
So I just now went ahead and blanked out 4 pages of the NT, we'll see....
Quote:Why should they [resent the TD]?
That's really a good q although I vaguely recall several recent postings by fellas who seem to be making the assumption that TD's are a kind of insult
Cen, so far so good, all four pages, no red.... Mebbe you're right, they don't come back
Let's hope....we're really onta sumpthin' !!
Yea, Cen, no q about it; it's wonderful !! So let's not tell anyone about it
I meant that it was wonderful that with one click, I can make all your bullshit vanish, Dale. Gone forever.
Occasionally, mother would serve oxtail soup.
(figured it was time for a diversion)
my grandmother made a great oxtail soup
I had an oksobriquet once but it was rune when some clown called me ox.
@centrox, click...make all your bullshit vanish...
And from my POV yours too of course Cen
Jus' kiddin' of course as usu Cen but your comment has cheered my entire day, there oughta be mor'a'ya
Meanwhile how can we manage to keep our method a secret..for a while anyhow till Mgmt wises up....
Hey Cen d'ya think anybody anywhere, even the Mgrs, have the slightest inklin' what we're talkin' 'bout
Incidentally what's your system
I started by TD'in 6 each visit; why? Because I oive on a multiple of 3's
But then switched over to doin' just today's
...unless I get bored, then do some more....
Isn'tit wonderful
Yes I guess tit's subconscious
dalehileman wrote:Hey Cen d'ya think anybody anywhere, even the Mgrs, have the slightest inklin' what we're talkin' 'bout
Sorry to break this to you Dale, but you are the only person on here who
doesn't know what we're talking about. As usual.