As Pseudo Scientists apply Quantum Quackery and Einsteins mistakes they come up with even more nonsense about Time.
Scientists build the worlds most accurate clock... yeah? how do they know that? But which even more accurate clock are they comparing it to?
They don't even know what a Second actually is now, according to them, Time is not anything constant, so measuring a second is pointless, as it different for different people in different places..
Modern Physics contains a lot of utter BS.
And you can blame the Mathematicians who think they are Physicists for that.
Beginning with Einstein, Bhor, Planck, Minkowsski etc..
The Meter is now defined as how far light goes in one 300 millionth of a second... but how long is a second? Well it is different for everyone...
and is light actually a reliable constant? Not according to Einstein its not.
He said (after 1920) that the speed of light is NOT CONSTANT, unless its in a region of space where there is no gravitational field, which is practically nowhere in space.
So consequent we have no way to measure a meter, or a second. Its snot easy to do Physics when the most fundamental units are as solid as quicksand.
How far to the shop? We have no idea. How long to get there at 30 mph?
"whats an hour?" we don't know, How far is a mile? we have no idea now, thanks Einstein.
People are really gullible fools these days, believe anything the authorities tell them.
The same authorities that have a proven track record of constant lies.
Next you will be trying to tell me that there is a new Jew Flu that's spreading across the world, and so we need to dismantle every countries sovereign rights and their currencies, and swap them all for one centralized government and one global digital currency, to fight the virus of course.