cavfancier wrote:It's 'we' Virgos...but 'us' will do.
I know you know that I actually know what it is, and that I purposely used "us" as appose to using "we"
Panzade- interesting way of beating around the
I'll agree with that, Joe. When I first came to A2K, my first query was, "Are there any women here that appreciate bi-lingual poetic talent?"
Nothing. Only crickets chirping.
Weird, when I first entered my first question was:
"Is there an old man living in a farm full of capybaras?"
Yes indeed.
By the way, I heard that if you keep playing a song to crickets long enough they'll learn it and play it all night long. I find it most useful for when I'm with a lady friend and my radio breaks for no apparent reason I ask the crickets to play me Aerosmith's Don't wanna miss a thing
See that's the thing Joe...crickets are real partial to "Camp Town Ladies Sing This Song"
Panzade....i'm not missing you at all.....
<sniff, sniff>....I hope your happy!
is someone sad? awe what a shame
Seed wrote:is someone sad? awe what a shame
I hate being ignored!!! By the way, how's it going seed? Long time no chatty!!!
its going well... i know... i was hurt, i missed you, i was trying to heal the pain... but I think i can talk to you know
Ohh good. I miss talking to you too!! Did you read my newest catastrophes? I've been bored out of my head know...not having ANYONE to talk to.....I guess that's what happens when you try to play the feild!
lol... where in O.W.? If so no i havnt... but i will get over there and do some reading
well playing the field isnt bad.. its the getting caught that sucks...
Well of course I knew i'd get caught! It was just so fun though.....plaesure from other people's pain...I gotta stop that....but i'm an addict sooooo........
its like cutting yourself to see if other people feel... its only you getting the cut
yeah, well I am kind of masochistic!
arent we all in one way or another
I'm not masochistic. Now beat me already Pessy, before I get all agitated and make you do it.
she left for the night cav... but i'll beat ya if you want
Hmm, as long as it's with the giant 'stache. Just one photos.
Okay, I'll save my Pessy poems for tomorrow, shoud I happen upon this thread again. I was thinking Klingon, but I am more fluent with English.