Tue 26 Oct, 2004 08:37 pm
I never should have let seed seduce me, and make me believe he loves me more then you!
Oh but i do... i do with the love of a thousand cupids
That's just great. I thought you were in love with ME!
You got a thing for seed, kicky?
Yeah, you got a problem with that?
shall we run away together Kicky?
Please kicky, run away with seed. That way i'll never have to see him again!!!
Oh, I fear I have come between you two red-hot lovers. I will bow out, being the gentleman that I am.
Go get 'er Seed...
sniff...wait a sec pessy...I need to get a box of Kleenex....
Oh God, when I walked in on you and seed...I almost lost my mind. It was worse than if I'd caught you with Gus. I slammed the door as I left and it still reverberates in my head...SLAM...SLAm
It was as if you had slammed my heart in the door of if my knob had been handled for the last time...
But you know what pessy? I made you what you are today on A2K. I named you, I nurtured you, I strummed my guitar as you recited those inane verses on teenage angst. And I can bring you DOWN!
DOWN pessy... go with your Clemson cub...go and write treacly poems together...Ill be hangin out with there's a REAL woman.
i am so sorry stand up... i got these for you... from my heart to yours
"the first time I saw you, I saw love
and the first time you touched me, I felt love
and after all this're still the one I love"
Wait, what am I saying...i'm a strong independant woman who doesn't need to be begging a man to love me, because I don't Need a man to love me! I'm going to go shopping now! Hmf!
Seed, those are beautiful, but they look fake?
-drops to his knees... crying, tears streaming down his face-
I bet you send flowers to all the women you try to make your morman wives!!
they are all real but one... and i shall love you till the last pedal falls
im not morman... just a morron for ever straying from you
How sweet, but I have heard that one already!