stratfor has this, unrelated, but possibly as damning.
Quote: German BND Might Have Evidence Of Iraqi Chemical Labs
Feb 01, 2003
German weekly Focus reported Feb. 1 that August Hanning, head of Germany's foreign intelligence service (BND), recently informed the German Parliament's foreign affairs committee that the BND has evidence of Iraqi mobile laboratories for the production of chemical and biological weapons. According to Hanning, the laboratories were built using some German components.
This if true could bring about a shift in Official German Position in the matter.
stratfor ( ), a paid-subscription "Hard News and Analysis" provider, is not known for inaccurate reporting, nor are they given much to editoriaizing. Should they update with info related to the supposed Israeli coup, I will be e-mailed an alert.
I sure wouldn't put such a thing past MOSAD ... them boys is slick. Still, there has been no official Israeli or US announcement that I have been able to find. It is very possible the Columbia Tragedy has the full focus of The Media at the moment. We shall see.